Chapter 71: Kikyo's realization

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                              Kikyo Pov
It was after I had visited Kiyotaka and my face was still red like someone had slapped me hundreds of times in the face.  I raised my shaking hand to the place on my cheek where Kiyotaka's kiss had landed.  I could still feel the warmth on my cheek from when he had kissed me.  Then again, that could also be the warmth on my cheek from blushing but it feels much better to pretend it's from Kiyotaka.  I think I understand why I feel this way for him!  I think I like that total idiot.

But if that is true, when did it start?

My mind flashed through all the times I've blushed, been jealous, or stole-I mean borrowed things.  Adding up all of these incidents, it's clear to see that I'm a freak in love!

Horikita: Oh.  How unpleasant.

Interrupted from my thoughts, the Horibitch entered the elevator.  Wait, where am I even going?  When I entered the elevator, I didn't hit the right button did I?

Kikyo: Oh you.

I checked and saw we were heading to the lobby.

Horikita: Talking to anyone recently?  Anyone you like?

She pointed at my face and my hand went up to my cheek that was still bright red.

Kikyo: Nope!  All of the boys are disgusting so I could never!

I still spoke in my bubbly persona in case the elevator suddenly opened up.

Horikita: Ok, what about the girls?

I pretended to laugh while holding back the urge to snap Horikita's neck.  Of course this pretentious ugly cow would want to know all the details like that Shinorc bitch (Shinohara)

Kikyo: Nope!  I was just working out on my room a little bit so I'm a bit hot.

Horikita: I see...

Kikyo: So what are you doing out so late?

I turned my head to her and stared deeply into her eyes. 

Horikita: I'm going to get some coffee.  I'm reading a book and coffee always goes well with it.

Kikyo: Aren't you supposed to ask me what I'm going out so late?

Horikita: I'm not interested in knowing what you want to do.

Kikyo: Well since I worked out, I'm quite thirsty, so I'm going to get some juice!  We can walk together, Horikita-San!

I wrapped my arm around hers and she rolled her eyes and attempted to push me off.  I wrapped tighter in response and pressed my volleyballs into her arm.  She grimaced at me.  She isn't happy that it's me instead of Ryuen.  Well Ryuen doesn't have boobies but close enough.  The elevator door opened and she proceeded to speed walk to try to get me to fall off and embarrass myself but I held on and kept up speed with her.

Kikyo: So let's talk girl talk!  Who do you have a crush on?

Horikita: Let's not.

Kikyo: Ok just answer who your crush is.

Horikita: No I'm not going to.

Kikyo: Just answer it!

Horikita: I don't have a crush on anyone now let go of me!

She shook against me roughly and managed to shake me off.  I threw myself to the ground and landed on my butt.  I immediately spread my legs out in a lewd position where any Yamauchi could pass by and see my underwear. 

Horikita: What are you doing?

Kikyo: Ow!  I hurt myself, help me up!

Horikita: You aren't hurt.  Now get up.

She was already walking away.

Kikyo: Someone could come by and rape me!  You don't want to have that on your conscience.

She sighed and turned around.  She grabbed my arm and ripped me up off the ground so fast that I had to catch myself.  Jeez, if I hadn't caught myself, I would have smacked the ground hard.

Kikyo: Hey!  I could have hit my face on the ground!

Horikita: At least I helped you up.  I could have left you to be raped.

Kikyo: Wow thank you.

I rolled my eye's sarcastically as we walked to the vending machine. 

Hmmm, apple juice seems nice, or maybe milk? I was thirsty for something.  Maybe I should go back to Kiyotaka's room and do some Hentai~No, what the hell Hornyshida?!

I got some milk and took a deep slurp of it and sat down.  Horibitch got her coffee and immediately sped off.  Not that I cared, I got some fun out of pissing her bitch ass off.  I was just enjoying my milk when the second annoyance of the night appeared.

Ike: Oh, Kushida-Chan!

Shinorc: Oh hiiii, whatcha doing?

Kikyo: Shinohara-Chan, Ike-Kun!  I'm just having a drink cause I was thirsty after working out.

I flexed my muscle and laughed while Shinorc and Ike approached me.  They both sad beside me. 

Ike: Being squeezed by Kushida-Chan's thighs...

Shinorc: That's nice!  I was on my home when I ran into the troll behind me and we decided to walk back together.

Ike: Who are you calling a troll, ugly?  I was the one who graced you with my presence!  Now be grateful!

Shinorc: Yes hanging out with the disable deserves a medal.  So I am adding something shiny to my wall soon!

Hanging out with either of you deserves a medal and a one-way trip to Hawaii you bitch.

Kikyo: So when are you two getting together?

Shinorc: PFFFT, WHAT?!


Shinorc: I used to volunteer to help old people, but I would never date one!

I used to help old and ugly people but I never talked to one for more than a month but here you are beside me.

Ike: I'm old?!  If I'm old, you must be ancient!

I decided to skip off with a quick goodbye and went off into my room for the night.  This was a long, confusing day.  I reached under my bed and took our Kiyobear and held him close to my chest. 

What am I going to do with my feelings?

Author: I'm going to try and make longer chapters since I've been falling back on shorter lengths but I'll give longer chapters soon.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

Ayanokoji What If: Popularity Time(Old)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora