Chapter 32: No Waifu, No Laifu

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Author: The pollen levels are low today so you know what that means! I'm not feeling like crap today, but that condition could change but I'll try to keep consistent updates. Now onto the chapter

Ayanokoji Pov
My hand knocked on Sotomura's door and he flew it open.

Sotomura: Ayanokoji-Dono, come inside, come inside! You're right on time.

Ayanokoji: Hey Sotomura, and woaaah...

My breath flew out of my body as I saw Sotomura's room. Posters lined the walls of many popular moments in Shonen, moments that non-anime fans like me recognized. Naruto defeating Pain, Luffy punching the Celestial Dragon, etc.

Along with those posters, was a shelf of figurines, consisting of many anime and video game figurines. On Sotomura's bed, was Kaneda Satoru of Class C.

Kaneda: Oh, Ayanokoji-San right? Nice to meet you. I am Kaneda Satoru, Class C

Sotomura: Yes, Ayanokoji-Dono is here to watch anime with us, isn't that nice?

Kaneda: Indeed Hideo-San. So what anime do you wish to watch?

Sotomura: Well I was thinking we could do an anime like say...Death Note! I think that's pretty good.

Ayanokoji: Death Note?

Sotomura handed me one of the manga, and on the back was the explanation.

Blah blah, Death Note

Sounds interesting to me. It's right up my brand of likings. I nodded to Sotomura who flopped onto the floor with the remote and navigated to Death Note

Ayanokoji Reacts to Death Note

The mc, Light Yagami was on screen, staring at the window when he saw an object lying in the grass

"He's just like me Fr Fr"

Ayanokoji: Hey Sotomura, how did you and Kaneda-San meet?

Kaneda: Well I was just a closet weeb so I told no one that I liked anime

Sotomura: I was using the school forum to meet other anime fans, but a lot of people were there just to troll. The others were only interested in the girls and boobies, not the riveting plot and plot twists.

Ayanokoji: Mhm

Sotomura: So I was excited when someone new joined the forums. We started talking about our favorite anime and we decided to meet up and watch some. I never thought it would be Satoru-Dono!

Kaneda: Yes I was equally surprised.

Sotomura: Ike and Yamauchi are fine and all, but they only talk about the girls, not the actual plot

Ayanokoji: I see, speaking of, why are there no attractive girls if that's all Ike and Yamauchi talk about.

Sotomura: Watch and learn

Sotomura pointed to the screen where there was a girl with blonde hair and red eyes. Misa Misa was her name.

Kaneda: I know both of us just ranted how we were annoyed by those who only talked about boobies and butt, but we still do that, just far less than the others do

Sotomura: So what do you think about Misa?

Ayanokoji: D-Tier. Sure she's cute but she has like mental issues I think?

Sotomura: Take that back! She is an S-Tier, easily!

Kaneda: Mm more like B-Tier.

Sotomura: NO, S-TIER! You know what they say? Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed!

Sotomura and Kaneda began to argue which tier Misa belonged to. S, B, A, the two were arguing their point until Sotomura settled on an A-Tier.

Knock knock

Sotomura: OH NO. Ayanokoji-Dono, hide!

Ayanokoji: Why?

Sotomura: They're here!

Knock Knock

???: Sotomura, open up! I need to see my honey bunny on your tv!

Sotomura shoved me in the closet as Kaneda leapt off the bed and did a tuck and roll under the couch. He was stuck thin so he was able to fit under it

Ayanokoji: Who's here?!

Sotomura: The Waifu Warriors...

Ayanokoji: The what now warriors?

Sotomura: The Waifu Warriors!  They fight for their waifu's, the girl of their dreams.  Now hide, and avoid the closet corner!

Sotomura shoved the closet door shut as I squatted down behind the clothes and in the darkness.  It had a pleasant pineapple smell, and from the corner it was the strongest, but I avoided and listened in as Sotomura opened the door.

Sotomura: Oh hey Yamauchi-Dono, Ike-Dono.  How's it going

Yamauchi: I cane here to see my beloved Komi-Chan.  Let's watch some!

Ike: No, let's watch my beloved Meroleona

Yamauchi: Hold up...I smell a normie.

Sotomura: Normie?  There has been no normies here, I can confirm.

Ike: So then why is there a bag of my favorite chip flavor on the floor!  You know better than to eat that, it is only for me when I am here!  There is a normie here

Yamauchi: Why Sotomura, why?!  Why did you bring the normies to us

Ike: Find them!

I heard Ike and Yamauchi fan out across the room, checking under the bed, behind the tv, in the kitchen

Yamauchi: Come out, come out wherever you are, NORMIE.  If you're a cute girl I will forgive you~

Yamauchi cooed to Kaneda and I who were still hiding.  I had crouched down and my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I almost screamed.  In the corner of the closet was a small shelf of Hentai labeled "Ike and Yamauchi's fun place".  On the ground was a suspicious white liquid but it didn't take a genius to figure out what that was.

Ike: Found you!

Ike screeched as he tore something up followed by a  shrill scream from Kaneda

Sotomura: Satoru-Dono run!

I heard a slap and Ike scream "My nuts!."  I heard the door pull open and I leapt out of the hiding spot and ran out, silently wishing Sotomura luck against The Waifu Warriors...

Author: Will Sotomura be able to defeat The Waifu Warriors?  Tune in next time on-No we're not doing that.  Fun-Fact: Death Note was my first anime, which is why it is Ayanokoji's first anime.  I'm happy I've recovered enough to write, and as said earlier, I will try to keep up the consistent updates.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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