Chapter 59: Butler vs Maids

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We left the restaurant after the trash fire that it was with Ryuen and Yahiko to get some fresh air.

Matsushita: Haha, well that was...something.

Horikita: It certainly was annoying.

Ryuen: Leaving without us?

Kiyotaka: Oh not you again!

Ryuen stepped out after us with his gang in tow behind him.  I could see Jacob and a few other staff members getting ready to report us all to the security.  I could see Yahiko getting up and prepared to walk over to us.  Not good.

Ryuen: Awh, you don't like me?  We can fix that once I beat your face so hard that you aren't such a pretty boy anymore, eh?

Kiyotaka: I can fight back if you ever come at me, or my friends.

Ryuen: That's too cute, isn't it Shiina?  Your boyfriend thinks friendship will save his sorry ass.

Ishizaki: Sorry Shiina-San...

Ibuki: Ryuen, why are we even bothering with these people? 

Matsushita: Yeah just leave us alone already, you are so far behind us, go deal with Ichinose before you can think about dealing with us.

Ryuen: What did you say, you little bitch?

Ryuen narrowed his eyes and advanced to and towered over Matsushita.  I meanwhile decided to text the Manabitch for something, something I learned from being at the top of the social ladder.  There was a small group of people in Ryuen's class who weren't too happy with Ryuen's rule.  They became even more vocal due to Class D's losing streak.  This group of rebels were led by Tokito Hiroya.

X: Yo Manabitch, tell Tokito from your class to come to the Lakeview restaurant in Keyaki.  On the other note, how have relations with Tokito gone?

When I was sick, I instructed Manabe to start talking to Tokito behind the scenes for this very moment.  Ryuen was a persistent foe, no matter how much he lost, he would never quit.  Which is why having Manabe and Tokito under my finger would be able to stop Ryuen in his tracks.

Manabitch: Yeah it's going well.  What's your plan with him anyways?

X: None of your business.

Ryuen: Oi Bubble Brain, who you texting?

Kiyotaka: Does it matter to you?

Ryuen: Not especially, but I am about to chuck your lady friend off the balcony so maybe you should pay attention.

Ishizaki: Hey, you aren't actually going to do that right?

Ryuen: Yeah, cause I'm going to throw you over if you don't stop being a dumbass!

Tokito: Ryuen, stop abusing your subordinates.  It's not his fault he's stupid.

Tokito arrived on the scene right as Ryuen had Ishizaki on his grip.  Matsushita backed away and behind me while Horikita walked forward.

Horikita: Tokito right?  Why are you here?

Tokito: A damsel in distress called for me, and here I came.  Ryuen is a dragon, and I am the knight who will slay the dragon.

Kiyotaka: That's a nice parallel.

Tokito: It is.

Ryuen: Is that so you little worm?

Ryuen let go of Ishizaki's collar and walked towards Tokito with a haunting expression on his face.  Shiina tried to grab his arm to stop him but Ibuki stopped her with an annoyed look. 

Tokito: Violence won't save you Ryuen, in fact, violence will be your downfall!

Ryuen: Wise words from an idiot I see.  Leave now you insignificant background character.  You are useless.  What if I gave the class to you?  You aren't smart or athletic, nor do you have the skill to lead.  You aren't charismatic like Bubble Boy.

Kiyotaka: I should take that as a compliment but it sounds bad.

I faked being offended.  Pretending to be easily read can help when misleading someone.

Ryuen: Shut it bubbles.  You aren't cunning like Bubble Brain, Strawberry Tits, or the Loli.  People will get tired of your shit and then you will be kicked out.  And who will they come crawling back to?  Me, I'm the only one who is capable of leading this class to Class A.

Tokito: Then why are we in Class D?  The lowest class.  Your brash and cocky attitude has landed Class D in B spot, and is in D spot!  You are useless, so step down now and let me save the class!

Ishizaki: Bro shut up.  You are stupid and you can't even follow simple orders!

Ibuki: Neither can you numb skull.

Tokito: Those orders are stupid orders that will lead us to defeat.  The way to victory lies over Ryuen's defeat I tell you!

Ryuen: Kukuku, we wouldn't be so low on the ladder if you weren't such an annoying ass.  If you followed orders like the good dog you are, we would be farther ahead.

Kiyotaka: You guys should stop arguing, cause we are going to reach Class A looong before you guys even reach Class C!  If you ever do that is.

Ryuen and Tokito: Shut it!

Kiyotaka: Jeez ok!

Horikita: You shouldn't interrupt them when they have their own business.

Matsushita: I dunno I thought it was funny?

Tokito: Ryuen you suck!

Yahiko: Same it was funny bro.

Ryuen: Just like your mom sucks my dick!

Kiyotaka: I'm the comedian I guess!

Matsushita: You sure are.

Ryuen: Alright Bubbles, I want you to get in on this bet I made with Strawberry Tits. 

Kiyotaka: Oh yeah?

Tokito rolled his eyes and stood there to listen in on Ryuen and me.  Yahiko also stood there awkwardly as I saw Katsuragi hiding behind a wall with Yamamura.  Oh he's over the loli I see.

Ryuen: I made a bet with Ichinose over the culture festival.  Whoever beats the others gets 500,000 points from the loser.

Tokito: You did what?!

Ryuen: Hold your applause.  You in Bubbles?

Kiyotaka: Hmm, you have yourself a deal.

Ryuen: Sweet, I'm going to get an extra 1,000,000!

Kiyotaka: What was your idea for the culture festival.

Ryuen: Maid Cafe obviously.  Cashing in on the perverts around the world.  Yeah, I'm looking at you.

Everyone looks at the camera

Kiyotaka: Good for you!  But we are running a Butler Cafe for the other perverts around the world.

Ryuen: You sure you aren't doing it for yourself?  I'm sure you love seeing men dressed up,, especially Soccer Boy.

Kiyotaka: Uh-huh, that's totally why.

Author: Sorry for disappearing!  I got a bit busy with graduation parties and all that fun stuff.  Anyways that's all from me!  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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