Chapter 51.5: Memories of White

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                         Ayanokoji Pov
I returned to my class just as the bell rang signaling the end of our homeroom period.  As I sat down, I saw Horikita give me a quizzical look before looking to the whiteboard as our next teacher entered the room.  I saw Shinohara sending glares to Ike and I saw Karuizawa was comforting Shinohara but she sat down Sakagami-Sensei entered the room.  The tension in the class was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.  Sakagami-Sensei felt the tension and wore a grinning expression and I saw Horikita glaring at him.  Class began and we all shut up and paid attention.

It was time for me to make some moves though.  The mock exams were coming soon, and the Paper Shuffle was looming from afar.  Winning it would put us back into Class C position, but losing would cripple us and send us further down, but also doom Class B. If Class B and D both lost, Class C would ascend to B, while Class A would start at the top, moving further and further to safety. Both Ryuen and I had a similar problem, in that we both had a traitor. For me, it was Koenji, for Ryuen it was Manabe. I had used Karuizawa to bait Manabe and as soon as she walked close, the trap was triggered and I could officially blackmail her into doing whatever I wished of her. Koenji was being blackmailed by both Sakayanagi and Ryuen at the same time, a problem that would only keep growing. Exterminating Koenji now was essential to our rise to Class A.

I had a few pawns to use at my disposal, and powerful ones at that. I am popular and can get gossip yes, but there is some gossip that can evade me. That's where girls like Karuizawa and Kikyo come into play. They can spread anything I need like wildfire and supply me with every and any information I need. They also serve as perfect meat shields and pawns that are expendable. In a game of chess, some players might throw their pawns at an enemy to kill one piece. Sacrificing three pawns to take one rook is not worth the cost. It immobilizes you later in the game and you are far easier to pin down and thrusted into Checkmate. When playing with things that are expendable, you must take a stance to keep them all in your hand and only dispose of them when you deem them useless, disloyal, or if you are truly desperate. I have never been truly pushed that far, but to me, it has always been a possibility. But sometimes, emotion trumps reason.

I'm not an emotional person, no, but sometimes, my curiosity can prove to be malicious.  Sometimes I...hurt people because I'm interested in what would happen.  It's not too frequent but sometimes it breaks through.


I stood in the sterile white room, watching over the trembling child in front of me.  His hands were covering his head in a fetal position on the floor.  He had attempted to challenge me and tried to goad me on wherever he could.  I got a bit curious.  One way to make someone go crazy is to make them think they are losing it.  Misplacing objects, writing messages then making them "disappear".  Making people seem crazy to others also worked.  They will begin telling the person they are losing it which contributes to it, and it snowballs.

The 9 year old trembling on the ground in front of me was an example.  I was curious what he would do once he reached his limit.

Tetsuda: You!  What have you done to me?!

Ayanokoji: Nothing, nothing at all.  Are you sure you aren't going crazy?  After all, these white walls can make people go crazy and paired with the curriculum, the strain on your body was simply too much.  I'll report to the instructor and you can seek treatment.  Of course, you would have to drop out and be deemed a failure.  Who knows what would happen to you after that though.

Tetsuda stood up with tears running down his face.  He ran over and grabbed the hem of my clothes and began screaming in my face.

Tetsuda: No, shut up!  Shut up!  I'm fine, I can do this!  I'm not a failure!

???: Get the instructor!

Presentkoji: Hmm?  Why can't I see their's like a blur...

Tetsuda: N-no, don't do it ####, please, no!

Ayanokoji: Go get the instructor.

Tetsuda: N-no, please, no!

This person looked maybe like a boy, ran over to the instructor and started telling the instructor what's happening.

Instructor: Tetsuda, come here. 

Tetsuda: No, you can't make me!

Instructor: Then you leave me no choice.

The Instructor ran over and grabbed at Tetsuda who dodged the hands.  The two began to fight, Tetsuda fighting for his life.

Instructor: I see, you know what.  You are just another failure.

The Instructor removed a taser from his pocket and shot at Tetsuda who went down.  His body began to twitch as he lost consciousness.  Our eyes locked in his last moments and then he seemed to realize it as I gave him a knowing look.  Tears streamed down his face and a light whimper escaped his throat as he was dragged away out of the room...

Return to present

I felt a stinging pain in my shoulder and I heard the ending of the lunch bell.  It was lunch time, and I looked to my right to see Horikita removing her compass from my shoulder. 

Horikita: You were zoning out.  I had to get you back to reality somehow.  What were you even thinking about?

Ayanokoji: Nothing,

                         Nothing at all

Author: Shorter chapter, I just wanted to do a chapter about Ayanokoji.  He's been too lighthearted for what he's been doing, and at least to me, it feels kinda off, you know?  Like it jumps form wholesome, to malicious, so I'm trying to establish the middle ground of, he does what needs to be done, but even he was effected in someway in the White Room, by gaining some malicious traits and basically sometimes going after people out of curiosity for how it will turn out.  That's all from me, binging Total Drama Action right now.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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