Chapter 40: Peppery Manipulation

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I was observing an event Horikita had signed up for.  I had completed my second event so I could sit it out until the relay race, however, I intend to do more events to be able contribute without suspicion.  Only a few people know that there is a traitor that I'm searching for.  Horikita and Hirata I both told that there was a traitor, and I decided not to tell them my suspicions.  Horikita might crucify the traitor if I'm proven correct so I couldn't tell her my theory.

Horikita and the other girls involved stepped up to the obstacle course.  It was rather intense as well, but there were on sight medics led by the nurse.  Chabashira had been running a water stand as well.  At the end of the day, past the competitions, the students safety was the top priority. 

Horikita took off and she instantly took the lead.  She leapt, rolled and crouched past the obstacles, however she kept looking behind her.  She gazed at Kinoshita of Class C several times.  Kinoshita was gaining the lead on Horikita but I could her lips moving, and right after she does that, Horikita looked behind her.  Was Kinoshita trying to talk to Horikita? 

Horikita began to ignore her and moved quickly through the course as Kinoshita tried to get her attention repeatedly.  Horikita had almost made it to the finish line, now all she had to do was walk the balance beam.  She was almost at the end when Kinoshita scream at the top of her lungs.  It was barely audible in the rose of the crowd and it seemed only Horikita and I noticed it.  Horikita looked behind her as Kinoshita ran straight into her and plowed her to the ground.

Rando-Student: Oh jeez is she ok?!

Ryuen: Damn that looked nasty, eh?  Hey Ayanokoji, doesn't that injury on Kinoshita look real nasty?

Ayanokoji: It looks like she hurt her ankle, and Horikita seems to have been hurt bad.  It seemed like Kinoshita was trying to talk to her, do you think something was wrong.

Ryuen: I dunno, maybe Horikita slowed down on purpose.  Let's go ask them.

Ryuen walked over to Kinoshita as Ishizaki began to support her and brought her over to the medical tent.  I went over to Horikita who was grimacing as she gripped her ankle.  She had tripped off the beam and her foot landed on an awkward position.  Hirata walked over and helped me as we supported her and pulled her up as we walked to the medical tent.

Horikita: Tch, damnit.  Kinoshita ran right into me when I wasn't paying attention.

Hirata: Horikita don't worry about it, you made one mistake but you already have your required events.

Ayanokoji: Horikita, was Kinoshita talking to you?  I saw her mouth moving like she was making words and I saw you turn around.

Horikita: She was calling my name.  She wasn't saying anything else, it was honestly kind of creepy.  Her voice was so tiny and high that I thought I imagined it and when I looked behind I realized it was her.  I ignored her and then she screamed and I looked out of instinct and then she rammed into me.  I caught my foot on something and I landed the wrong way.

Hirata: Do you think Kinoshita did it on purpose?  She seems like a nice girl...

Ayanokoji: Yeah, she is, but if I had to guess, maybe Ryuen put it up to it.  Even nice people have their limits of how far they can stick their neck out.

We walked into the tent and put Horikita on the bed.  We seemed to fry here before Ishizaki which was weird since he left before us.  The nurse began to inspect Horikita's leg and nodded her head and wrote something down.

Nurse-Chan: Ok it looks like a sprained ankle, just give it some rest.  You will be excused from participating in any events but you will have to have someone fill in your spot.  What's your name hon?

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