Chapter 19: Cancer Group

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                        Ayanokoji Pov

Sakagami: Let the exam begin!

Sakagami started the timer, and the hour started.  He then walked out of the room, leaving the students alone.  Everyone sat in silence, unknowing of what to do

Ichinose: Soooooo...does the VIP want to give themselves up?

Everyone looked at each other wearily as they thought about who could be the VIP.  Manabe didn't make eye contact with anyone, but that could be chalked up to the fact that I know what she did to Karuizawa.  On the other hand, she could be a VIP and a horrible actor.  I have seen her when she lies.  She lies to everyone about many things and is a good actor at selling the lie.  Too bad I saw through it.

Yahiko had a pissed expression as he surveyed the group.  He seemed heavily displeased that he would be with us, talking to us for the next 5 days.  He also probably missed his precious Katsuragi-Sama.  Teppei seemed stoked, but not to make friends

He leaned over to Yahiko and whispered something.  I picked up words about winning, boosting himself, and Katsuragi.  Simp

Hashimoto: Uh, we heard that dude.  Keep your simp-hood to yourself bro.

Yahiko: Oh sorry Hashimoto-Kun, perhaps we interrupted your dreams of fornication with the crippled loli

Karuizawa: Could you guys not be so loud and annoying?

Karuizawa spoke up about her annoyance at the two talking about vulgar topics.

Manabe: Shut up ugly! You provably sleep around just like how you probably slept with Hirata you slu-

Ayanokoji: Everyone calm down!

Teppei: Shut up Class C dweeb!

Ichinose: Everyone please calm down!

Ichinose tried my approach and it failed.  Everyone was bickering and yelling at each other.  I stood up and slammed my hands onto the table.  A few people jumped a bit

Ayanokoji: If we continue bickering like this, 9 of us will lose and three of us will win big time.  We need to find the VIP so we can win win!

Yahiko: Shut up you lo-

Hashimoto: No, let him cook!

Surprisingly, Hashimoto backed me up, and most everyone agreed, minus Teppei and Yahiko.

Yahiko: No, we are not doing this crap

Teppei and Yahiko walk to the corner of the room and start playing games on their phones.  If I had to guess, they don't plan on making a move until Katsuragi orders them to make the move

Ibuki: Stupid Class A brats.

Manabe: Yeah we will totally surpass your sorry butts

Albert: Manabe-San, please do not be so mean

Manabe: Uh I don't speak English weirdo

Ichinose: Manabe-San, there's no need to be so cruel

Manabe: Shut up Milkers

Shibata: Oh that's just cruel!

Once again, the group was on the verge of collapse, but the argument slowed at a point where Hashimoto jumped in

Hashimoto: How about we all play a card game to learn about each other.  The winner can ask someone else a single question!

Albert: K

Ayanokoji: Let's do this!  How about we play Bullsheet!

'Bullshit' is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. First, you deal out all the cards in the deck. Then, each turn is played as followed:
Player 1 places any number of cards face down in a stack and claims they are all aces. They must play at least one card, so may be forced to lie.
Any player can call bullshit if they don't believe player 1.
If player 1 lied, then they pick up all the face-down cards, including any that were put down on previous turns. If player 1 told the truth, the bullshit-calling player picks up all the cards. If no-one called bullshit, then play just continues.
Either way, it's player 2's turn and they add cards to the stack claiming they are all 2's.
The game continues like this, incrementing the card each turn all the way to the king and then restarting with the ace.
The game is over when one player gets rid of all their cards.

A game of truth and lies.  My favorite!

Hashimoto: Yo Baldie enthusiasts, you in?

Teppei: Not interested!

Ichinose: Why?  Are you afraid you will be caught because you are the VIP?  If you were VIP, it would be in your best interest to participate, but it could be you trying to subvert expectations?  That could make you suspect number one!  So you may just cost your class the win and be thrown overboard.

Ichinose laid out the logic and smiled at the end as Yahiko and Teppei rolled their eyes and walked over and took a seat.  Everyone received 4 cards, and the spare four were placed in a side deck, a bonus punishment for the first one to lose a bet.

Sotomura has the ace of spades and placed it down first.  It followed with me, and I placed down a two

Yahiko: Bullsheet!

Yahiko took six cards after he discovered I didn't lie.  Everything progressed normally until Sotomura told a lie followed by Ibuki screeching across the table.  Sotomura took up 13 cards.

The game progressed until I had come out on too as I placed down my last card.  Everyone scream Bullsheet but I told the truth.

Ayanokoji: Albert-Kun, how did Ryuen put you under his control?

Albert looked at Ibuki and she nodded.

Ibuki: Manabe if you tell Ryuen what happened with Albert, I will slaughter you

Manabe quickly nodded and looked away.

Albert: Ryuen-Sama wore me down mentally.  After that, I started to be sloppy and make mistakes.  And in a fight, he overwhelmed me

That was the information I needed.  To prevent him taking down strong members of my class, I sought to know how he took down the gentle giant Albert.  He sued fear to keep most in line, but he mentally tortured the strong to make them sloppy, where he would claim victory

Ayanokoji: I see.  Thank you for that Albert-Kun.  I'm sorry that happened to you.

Albert: Thanks man

Albert thanked me after I spoke fluent English to him.  I knew many languages per the white room, so I spoke fluent English.

The timer rang and Sakagami entered the room and we all files out.  Hashimoto approached me.

Hashimoto: Yo, the princess wants to see you.  Meet her in the on ship library, ok?

Ayanokoji: Haah, will do

Author: Start of the Zodiac killer exam people!  I laid clues t who the VIP was in this and last chapter, so if you find out who it so, please don't spoil in the comments.  You can discuss who you think it is though!  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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