Husbando Wars SS

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Somewhere on the girls only forums, peace reigned.  The girls talked about new hair products, new clothes and hot boys.  They also talked about boys who should die.  But one day, the Fan Clubs attacked.  They swept through the forums causing an annual ritual known as the "Husbando wars"

Mayawaifu: Ayanokoji is best boy

Foxgirl: Sorry, I'm more of a Nagumo type girl

Flowerloverz: Bleh, Miyabi is annoying, TRUST ME

Foxgirl: Hol up, you call him by his first name?!

Flowerloverz: Trust me hon, he isn't all cracked up to what he actually is.  He is annoying af, like he asks me to do his groceries🤬

Gamer-Girl69: LMFAO.  That's why Ayanokoji is best girl btw

KKgyaru💅: Best girl?!  And also, Hirata>>>>>>>>anyone else

Gamer-Girl69: I'm not like other girls ok?! Also, Hirata is like if you crossed a vegan and Izama.  A peace talking hippie

StalkerChan👀: Izama?  Speak human not nerd

Fuk-A: Hahahahahhahaha no stfu.  Ayanokoji best girl.  And the biatch who said Hirata; no, just stop it

KK-Gyaru💅: Oml

Shizuku: Well I mean, we can all agree Kiyotaka is attractive to some agree right?

Demonic_Angel😈😇: Yea true that.  Also, Shizuku?  Wasn't that username for like an idol or something?

Book/Lover: Mm idk.  He is into books so he is one of my best friends.

DominantGyaru🔫: Wait, aren't you like Shitna?  Or no Shorna right?

Book/Lover: Shiina, and you are?

BlueMother: Woah woah chill girls.  We don't need to share our info online.

KK-Gyaru💅: Oh ya!  With people like Yamauchi around it's hard to be comfortable

ForeignBlueberry🫐: I am between Ayanokoji and Hirata but since Karuizawa took Hirata, I am going all in on the Ayanokoji

MayaWaifu💕: Sorry but NO.  I am going all in on that hottie and I will fight you all!

Fufufu~Loli: The hype for Kiyotaka is high it seems, hm?  Care to explain why you thirst over him?

StalkerChan👀: Cuz😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥

Fufufu~Loli: ...

Strawberry: Oh dang.  It seems like lots of girls like Ayanokoji huh?

FoxGirl: Don't forget Nagumo!

KK-Gyaru💅: Hirata is best boy!

Everyone: STFU

And so, the typing on the phones commenced as the girls began to argue about who truly was the best boy.  The battle reached a fever pitch, as the Ayanokoji Faction seemed to be at its strongest, when a new threat burst the rough the wall.  The Manabu Fan club

CinnamonRoll: As much as I would love to read through your lies, I will say Horikita is best boy

SwimmingChick: If we're naming exotic picks, Sudo kinda hot ngl

Horikita Suzune: Why do I keep being added back here?!

MayaWaifu💕: Cause it's funny lmao

CinnamonRoll: The Elder Horikita is commanding, handsome and intelligent.  He exudes and air of authority that isn't undeserved.  Ayanokoji is just some first year and Nagumo is just an annoying brat

FoxGirl: How dare you, you wrinkly simp?!



KK-Gyaru💅: Isn't she a year older than you at max?

Fuk-A: Idk probably.  But no one Dino's over Horikita Manabu without being old and wrinkly like my feet after a bath🦶

Everyone: EW WTF

Author: Yeah I will start Volume 4 tomorrow, add in a small summer festival idk we'll see what my future mood is.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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