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Hearing the loud clatter of what Jo believed...machines building machines, that was the sign...she didn't want to stay here very long, just in and out. Joanne unveiled her stealth costume as a corporate dress then pulled up on her ears to place her favorite golden gun earrings, and finally, with an embracing swipe she attached a falsified registered name card on her chest. Having a schematic layout hidden under her seat, the White Viper felt ready to embark, then sighing deeply.

This was her last chance to turn back from the criminal life she once knew. Overlooking a map. Further, a satellite view of a GPS com. Joanna reviewed the length of the two-hundred and thirty-one yard lot, seeing the fortified steel walls with barbed wire shooting across its apex and the sundry of lights that streamed up a silver lined skyscraper, It inhabited the middle left edge, one-hundred and sixteen yards from the other side. East from the center was a roofed parking lot with a hover motorcycle she was stoked about. To the south three factories hugged a launch pad dwarfing its size. Hence, lamps oversaw the open middle road sprouting north, cutting around a fountain ninety feet from the north gate, a silver eagle spread its wings over a rising pillar in still waters. The metallic object would glimmer when the sun reflected in its somber pool, but sunlight had yet to be revealed from the cobalt blue skies. Over the fountain from the gate two towers rose, embedded in the northern corners these mid-scale structures held security watchmen. She located the morning shift guards and a truck being unloaded at the east factory. Joanne saw the sky opening up and the Moon departing. This was strictly a covert mission under disguise.

Joanna wanted to prove she's elite by completing something no other agent could. Twenty-six White Vipers failed to sign on for the infiltration job of Lunar Life Corp, a precursor to how the Harbinger was humiliated. The Mob Boss couldn't find anything to blackmail Trevor with, no matter how deep his informants dug. Now it's up to Joanne to find something they missed, an impossible task—maybe. If all that lonesome Trevor had was himself then he could lose his innocence, and Joanna was capable of doing this. It's the biggest stage of the operation and the Harbinger will not hold anything back, he's all in or folded.

The Harbinger held his Green Viper assassins in high esteem; they were sharp in combat as a sword's edge. The lives of the blackmailed chairmen were threatened by these very same assassins. Once Trevor is blackmailed then all five chairmen shall be executed.

Cliff is a quick learner; he wants to show the syndicate he is devoted to practicing assassin skills for the job he has from the Red Viper.

No guns, Joanna thought, just wits and ladies sex appeal for now. As her passenger side-door rolled up she scooted out, embracing the wind to leave her jacket behind. "Global Moon Exporters..." She said, I must be foolish, but her pride and confidence mattered little as she walked swiftly wearing a short royal blue skirt.

The White Viper was taking note watching guard patrols leave when the automated fence gate closed behind her as planned. She came up between two factories in the southeast sector. The sun was just breaking, seeing overhead lights fade below open machine shops, especially on her right proceeding north sixty yards a quarter across the complex. When she came out along the shadows of the delivery road, the bright jewel of a sun pierced its horizon revealing a sign that orbited her. Across the first of many open garages from her right it read: Branch of Colonization and Mining. The company wasn't only relieving Moon colonists with consumables, Joanna noticed, but supporting miners to dig the highest grade of minerals on Asteroid Dakrin with tools.

Joanne could hear and glimpse machines welding steel plates as she kept a steady pace. From her left a launch pad wasn't mistakenly taken by a hover ambulance, a hover fire engine, and even further off to the distance she could faintly see a spaceship cargo loader. Joanna wondered what was going on, she had no clue.

"Good," Joanne said, and smiled it off. "The more distractions, the better."

Joanna's arrival was crucial as guards now are exchanging shifts. Having little time and hoping to slip by unquestioned, she crossed the main workstation while most minded themselves refurbishing miner tools and collectively designing newer models. Some noticed her elegant stride.

"Excuse me," a polite security guard grabbed her unaware.

Jo unclenched his hand and looked back into his eyes. "I'm late—I'm a secretary advisor...assistant."

"No office-employees allowed this way," he spoke alertly and stretched for his com while his other hand opened to her. "You have identification, now may I see it?"

Knowing what was at stake, the White Viper cleared her throat: "Here it is," she said smiling with bright confidence. Her employee card, license, and an almost crumpled document she unzipped from her small black purse almost darker than her black skin. Taking the two I.D. cards the security guard noticed a slight unfamiliarity with her personality.

Jo was handing over the document as he refused it, claiming only her identification. "You may pass this time," the guard said graciously, respecting her composure. "I'll get back to you with these," he held the two I.D. cards respectively. "And what floor is your office?"

"Thirteenth floor," Joanne said uneasily, and walked with a hiss, hence she turned. "Shoot."

Joanna headed north twenty yards to reach the factory's last parked vehicle where its shipment was previously unloaded. While peeking back once she noticed the guard was still at his com. She cautiously led herself under the roof's brim, staying out of camera sight. Coming across her reflection in the hover truck's dark cyan finish, Jo felt her time was short. In Shanghai Joanne learned the hot-wiring skill which was needed in the event this mission failed, especially as she peered over the hover truck's chrome hood, to see a new patrol impede her northern approach. These guards, she knew, broke off their normal route, leaving little time for her escape. She angrily pulled on the locked hover semi-truck's handle knowing how close she came to her target destination. If only she could make it northwest seventy six more yards across a spaceship pad adjoined to a northern road trotting upon the skyscraper's shadow.

Being highlighted below a loud siren's light,Joanna dared to look for a way inside the truck. "Not a brick in sight," shesaid, with unclenched anger. She had two and a half minutes until the guardsreached her...having to make a choice, she followed the truck which reared intothe factory's workstation. Running into a barge of packages and shippingcrates, her anxiety perspired, to find herself barricaded.

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