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They brought the Mayor and Governor up the main elevator to the first floor in skyrise mode, reaching the floor faster.

The elevator was holding ten people while the officers were gagged and blind folded.

When the ride opened, Michael and Sonya witnessed bloodshed. They went down the elevator in sky drop mode to see what happened after the bosses and hostages got out.

They looked at the fixed table, two killers, Raver Sholla and the Harbinger. Muck and guts were in many places. Among the dead were: FBI agents, soldiers, cyborg guards, a warbot, and civilians and the cyborg child.

The Mayor and Governor were squirming, as they were brought to the leaders.

"Hold them, and bring them to us," Raver said.

"They could be our ticket out of here," the Red Viper said.


"Of course."

"Remove the gags and blind folds my Swashbucklers." Which was a Pirate rank equal to a Black Viper standing.

"Tell us your names and look at us." They refused. They were afraid and thought they would be killed next.

"We need you buffoons alive so we can escape, and I want to know all of Luke's plans, that may help."

"We don't trust you as far as I can spit," and the Governor let a big one fly and it hit Raver.

"Trust this," she smacked him across the face with her arm gun causing a bloody concussion.

"Want more?" You better start cooperating with us, I'm losing my patience."

"Okay, okay," the Governor spoke desperately, "just don't hurt us."

The Harbinger pointed her gun at the wide-eyed Mayor...

"Speak!" She killed him recklessly. "Your next."

"Okay, okay—"

"We didn't need to kill him."

"Trust me, it's the only way."

" friend's gone," he fainted.

"Wake up," the Ringleader Raver started choking him with her gun in his throat.

He moaned with alert eyes.


She took the gun out and he coughed.

"There's too many...soldiers and cyborgs, FBI agents and vehicles, but don't fight them until your sister Lorena is safe, they may use her against you, to get me back and arrest you, they want Michael for the thousands he killed. Beware." He passed out again.

Look at this wimp...he keeps on passing out," the Red Viper said.

Suddenly, the Governor woke up to a very loud noise. It was Luke's spacecraft hovering near the roof, but Lorena was now speaking.

"You are surrounded," the voice sounded weak and sympathetic. Frightened.

"We have you on a live camera, we saw everything, say hi, you're on the news."

"If you kill another person, you'll never see me again Joanna, come back to being an FBI agent, and now, you killed the Mayor.

"Raver, you slaughtered many in the first-floor of the palace, we have it recorded."

"Joanne, you can go to prison for twenty years, then when you get out, you can seek forgiveness from us and God, hand the Governor over to us! I miss you Sis, but one day we can be family again.

The Harbinger came out onto the roof all by herself. She put her beloved handgun on the space-pad as if to give herself up.

Trevor was astonished while Lorena and Luke looked pleased.

"I'm not giving up, I just want to talk," she held her hands up.

Soldiers came and arrested her by Logan's order after his spacecraft landed. He waited for her in his spaceship...

"Okay, what do you have to tell me Joanna?"

"Don't call me that name," she said.

"Okay, Harbinger, let me say something first. I remember when you and Trevor were so happy having your honey-moon in First Reach, I miss you two, just give up, okay?"

"Never!" She unzipped to her navel.

The soldiers started to march toward the palace.

"You better stop them if you want your Governor back!"

The Admiral used his com, "stop for a moment, don't commence until the Governor comes out alive."

"I have Michael...alive, isn't that all you want?"

"Listen, Admiral, let us have free leave and give me Lorena. I keep the Governor as my ticket out of here, so we can have a new place where we're not surrounded by your infantry-dogs. Do we have a deal, say now?"

"Yes," the Admiral used his com again, "call it off there's going to be no more bloodshed, they are giving us Rahden Jr. Go ahead Lorena, be safe with your sister, we will give the Browns and Raver a chance to flee Red Entaries. I promised."

With that, the spaceship flew to her sister Lorena, they hugged in a throng of soldiers, they were let go back into the palace.

"Join us Sis', I will make you a Black Viper, we will be like before, when we were Street Slugs, what do you say?"

"I have to think about it," Lorena turned her back to her.

I changed Sis', I'm not a criminal anymore, but a secretary."

"Here, take this Black Viper handgun, I won't take no, for an answer."

"Okay, but, no more killing, it's the only way I'll join and be a Black Viper.

She marveled at the sheen gun, then she salutedthe Harbinger.

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