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First Reach has a pure and chaste Admiral in its midst. His eyes are that of a clean sorrow and an indescribable beauty.

The Moon colony is beautiful at sight: Earth could be seen in the distance with one tower peak having a radar dish array. You could see spaceships of every kind, flying and stationary. The main citadel was discus shaped, central, and half the size of the bright city, which supported several buildings, transportation, subways, communication, life support, and green houses. Even further out, was a coliseum that housed the Olympics utilizing the Moon's gravity. The games were an excellent tourist attraction with track-and-field, including pole jumping and racing. But inside, it's full of all sorts of fornication. When the Admiral walks among the Moon's colony he makes up for all the sins of the fornicators, not in a spoken way; but a way that all the sinners know. A sort of feeling as if he were married to the colony itself, and his purity and perfection lets those who see him know that there is still a chance to turn back from their sins, a feeling of love in the heart, but more than that, a dependence; as if the colony wouldn't survive, or ever without him.

Trevor met the Admiral, who is also the auctioneer for asteroid lot Delta C6. "Since no other bidders at this time, or late joiners have come to challenge your bid at twelve hundred hours, you are hereby declared winner and the sum of twenty-five billion is the sufficient price."

He handed Admiral Logan the suitcase.

"Trevor Trahern, you are hereby declared winner of the asteroid auction, enjoy."

Trevor and Joanna shook Logan's hand.

"I will immediately order a Moon house built for you and your significant other, not to mention your new corporate headquarters. It will take twelve years. In the meantime," The Admiral looked pleased, "you may stay with me, I'm single by the way." He nudged Trevor with his elbow, in a playful way, in jealousy of Joanne.

"Or, you can stay at Moon Lodger's Inn."

"I think I'll stay at the Moon Lodger's Inn," Trahern said. "At least today for our honeymoon."

"Good choice," said the Admiral, raising an eyebrow, "it's the best suite in the whole colony.

Such a lonely man, Trev thought, but he does seem good natured. I bet he's a happy single. Trevor held Joanna's hand as they made their way to Moon Lodger's Inn and the honeymoon suite. "Do you want to take a spacewalk?" Trev said, as he hooked Jo's arm with his in a courtship manner.

Joanna reluctantly said, "yes," to fall into his suave air as he felt all his burdens melt away, thanking God as he waited for it all to fall away, but it didn't, not this time, and feeling an interlocking arm gently pull him along. Tingling his senses and a pleasured cerebellum, shocking memories were poured into him as fresh rainwater or like the first fish he saw jump from a wild pond when he was a boy. He could feel it, catch it, hold on to it, but not hurt it, it was too precious. Trevor grabbed it and placed it next to his heart. It tried to wriggle free, but Jo calmed it down and grabbed it before it fell, because, if it fell, it would be lost forever. Joanna held it dear to her heart and nodded as she touched Trev's chest.

Trevor felt assurance of what this confirmation meant, then she leaned her chest against his and they became one and froze upon this moment.

They were relieved to see the Inn host wasn't a robot. Trevor multi-tasked, carrying Joanna while paying for the room and key, even running her upstairs to kiss her. They stood and held each other hand in hand wondering where the room service was.

Their bodies felt light in the Moon's gravity.

"Yeep! Joanna yelled, as if she thought she was going to hit the ceiling when Trevor threw her on the bed, but she landed softly. They laughed together.

"That's funny," Joanne said.

"Yes," Trahern said, with a smile.

The way they felt was like white rose petals tickling all of their senses as they kissed each other. The music they heard made them feel as if they were at a Juice Boxer's concert.

Even though they missed breakfast and dinner,dessert met all their fill with cheesecake and Moonlit. The resolution forTrevor's breakthrough was almost complete.

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