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When Raver arrived, she realized the guards, agents, and soldiers were mostly gone and had little trouble sneaking by in Red Entaries, she had only to kill one cyborg.

Then she knew the CEO must've had a hand in this, so she could make her way with little trouble.

She knocked on the door to see if he was in, he was. Where's my payment, she thought. He had a suitcase of dia ready for her, she took it, then thought he must know the Hollowed Eagle was decimated, again.

"Thank you," he said, "the job's finished, you can go."

"Not yet, I have news."


"Your son was caught. If he still lives, my other Pirates were killed and I don't know if you're going to be a grandfather still and have an heir."

Rahden Sr. was saddened with tears.

"And I'm sure you know before the Hollowed Eagle was destroyed it managed to stop the planetoid and save the Moon colonists."

"You're right, I know." He clenched his teeth and fists together. If my son still lives, I need to get him from the Admiral's clutches, and Sonya too, if she lives."

"So," the CEO stretched out his arms to the sides. "We need a prison break, and I'll pay you more Raver to get your help again."

"There's more, I believe Trevor Trahern knows you're the conspirator, I'm sorry. It's only a matter of time that Logan knows, too."

"This is terrible, if Luke has my son there's no telling what he might do, and my cover is blown, but they don't know everything yet.

"People are going back to the Moon so they can continue mining Dakrin again for precious elements," Sholla said.

"Yes, there's competition again, I won't have Dakrin, all to myself then—"

Raver spoke again, "yes, the asteroid auctions will soon start until Dakrin is void of minerals, and I'll help you with the prison break. Hopefully some of my fellow Buccaneers managed to survive and I'll make sure Michael is safe too."

"Alright, thank you Sholla, here is the suitcase and a battery for your arm gun if you need it."

"Thank you, but all I need to do is charge it. The energy level is low, and I need to prepare since I'm going solo on this mission back to the Moon at First Reach. So, bye, for now." She smiled.

"Yes, be safe Raver Sholla."

She left and went to the docking bay.

When she entered the CEO's spaceship for the second time the mechanics and technicians received the go-ahead to let Raver pass.

She used a USB cord to plug her arm into an empty outlet next to other guns also being charged.

In only thirty-minutes her arm gun was fully charged for a whole day of shooting.

Bob Vesser and other workers waved Raver off in-hope she would save Michael and Sonya from processing.

After all of that she was ready to leave and took off.

So from Mars to the Moon, she soon landed quietly into the First Reach docking bay while the soldiers assumed it was the CEO who landed and came from Red Entaries.

They could only guess who it was since Raver wore a black cloak. She tried to conceal herself the best she could.

When Miss Sholla entered the airlock, she was allowed access while the guards felt suspicious when the oxygen came in and the door closed behind her.

She was trapped.

She kept her cloak on while she pulled back her hood to remove her space helmet and environment suit while her cloak became her cape.

They were shocked to see the CEO was an Asian woman with short black hair.

Raver started to bang on the airlock door, threateningly, with warnings...

"Open this door! Let my Swashbucklers go—"

Raver grabbed her laser pick with her free left arm and started to torch the door open—sparks were flying as she kept herself at a safe distance.

The guards took cover and were ready for her to barge the door in.

Raver thought, I need cover when this door is ajar, or they might kill me—I better use the rest of this door for cover while I use the cubbyhole, I made to shoot my arm gun in.

And she did. The two guards were killed as they tried to shoot her, popping out behind cover.

Suddenly, Raver heard faint female cries as she thought it was now safe, she knocked the door down.

Noticing the camera feed, Raver found the secretary hiding under her desk and she told her to patch Raver through herself, on a speaker, and how to access the pixels of screens.

Miss Sholla wanted to see how many Buccaneers were still alive.

The secretary wet herself and fainted. Her name tag said Lorena Brown. Raver had to quickly learn how to use the computer modem with a touch screen.

She first used the microphone. "My Pirates—how many of you are left? Where are you? Speak!"

There was no response, and she was sure she was heard.

"There's about twenty of us, we're in the eating lounge, save us Raver—"

Raver went through the pixelated screen with her left pointer finger, and as she found the food lounge, she zoomed in on its square, she spoke: "I'm sorry for leaving you on the Hollowed Eagle's bridge, but I had no choice."

"I'll free you all, I won't waste another second—"

Raver Sholla ran down the halls while she looked for any sign that said lounge.

At first, she started to perspire with armpit sweat when she couldn't find her way, and she realized this might take a while. She thought: First Reach is a vast city.

But then, double-doors swung open at the cafeteria. Men and women with blue prison clothes were running erratically.

While some were shot down, bleeding, others gave up, and Raver yelled a war-cry: "Die you scum of the Moon soldiers!" Raver started shooting her laser Gatling gun and this gave the Pirates hope, so they started to fight back and not give up.

Most of the freebooters immediately laid down as she mowed the soldiers down.

Some of the Buccaneers became excited as they picked up the dead soldiers' weapons and used them against them. The tide turned.

The soldiers and FBI agents were hiding andtaking cover. Blood streaked the halls with dead bodies. Sholla made it back tothe microphone and yelled. She said where to go like a detailed map, and theSpace Pirates went into the CEO's spaceship as Raver's Group put on environmentsuits, listening to where the honking horn was from. A white spacecraft withjet-black wings was now being filled up. Raver was counting them to ten left.She and the rest of her battered arm with all of her remaining charge coverfired in the crossroads of the ships in the bay. Raver took herself to thebridge of the spaceship and took off at a moment's notice to Red Entaries onMars.

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