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The picture-in-picture camera for the drones went pitch black and Logan was furious: "Now I must risk my own neck and my agents' lives without those drones, I lost the Pirates' trail. How am I going to bring them to justice?"

An hour later, Rahden Sr. said to himself: about why his wife wasn't speaking on her com, he wondered if she was okay. "I hope Raver didn't have anything to do with it, I mean, I gave my wife a minigun to protect herself in her hover house. Sholla and my son Michael already completed the task I wanted, now the planetoid will crush the Moon without the Hollowed Eagle to shoot it away since the Solar Space Fleet is not with it anymore there is nothing to stop the planetoid, and I will finally own the new open lot on asteroid Dakrin."

Before the fellowship went out, Sonya met with Rahden Sr. for a short time. She told him she was in love with his son Mike and Rahden Sr. was pleased with that.

He thought now I'll have a grandson, wow, Alabaster is beautiful.

Sonya said she wants to save Michael from Logan and his soldiers, so he doesn't have to be executed. All of the CEO's fears about the Admiral are coming true, now he might ruin all of my plans, but Alabaster gave me hope.

The Captain left him and the left wing sidewall. She wanted to be a part of the Admiral's fellowship to save Michael before he is arrested; but things looked grim for Rahden Jr. because there was a large group for the fellowship with: Trevor, Joanna, Lorena, Darien, Tyrone, Jr., Eddy, Trevor's parents, April, Dianna, Galina, the Forger, and of course twenty-five hundred soldiers under Admiral Luke Logan.

The fellowship had an arsenal with them. They had a hover tank and several hover rovers with grenade shells, and laser beams; but before the group took off there was an argument.

After Sonya left to join the fellowship Trevor heard the plans of Mr. Rahden Sr. and he was astounded, how he might be in cahoots with Michael in destroying Trevor's part in First Reach and how Rahden Sr. wants to win the lot on asteroid Dakrin for himself, the very same lot Trevor wants.

Before the steel door was closed Trevor popped in and saw the CEO. "That's my lot on the asteroid," Trevor said.

"No, it's mine," Rahden Sr. yelled back in confusion. They had a fist fight, but no one won so the CEO said, "I have the most funds of one-trillion dia, "what do you have Trevor?"

"Hey, this isn't fair," Trevor Trahern said, "I can't compete with you now that I'm broke and most of my miners have died in First Reach."

"When you get arrested Sr. Rahden for aiding and abetting with your son Michael for hiring those Pirates to destroy the Hollowed Eagle, that's right, I overheard it when you just talked to yourself; and you want the Moon to be destroyed from that planetoid just so you could win the auction."

"I'm out of here," Trevor was pleased but not Sr. Rahden. Trevor told everything to Logan and Sonya but Captain Alabaster said you need more proof to prove it, and Trevor was willing to try and get that proof from Michael Rahden Jr. if that's what it took.

As Trevor joined the fellowship, he talked to his wife Joanna and he was pleased to see his other family members and friends who were also in the group.

Mr. Trahern was amazed when Joanne confessed about what she did for her FBI Boss and that was to pretend to be a prostitute, but the results were concluded that because of her and Lorena, they were able to stop the prostitution ring by arresting the main pimp Didian Maxwell.

If Rahden Sr. gets arrested, then Trevor might be able to take the asteroid lot for himself with no one left to bid on it.

The soldiers took the lead to protect the tank while Luke flanked it so he could keep giving orders. Darien was the hover tank's driver since he was the most elite to drive. The other members were in hover rovers for their safety.

As the sunlight came in, the squad noticed they passed the trees such as oaks and palms, they walked carefully when they saw wild animals like rhinos, hippos, birds, and insects which seemed happy minding their own business; and so, the soldiers walked slowly and minded their own.

The soldiers and the Admiral had their weapons at the ready, including Logan's energy sword and handgun, some of the soldiers carried explosive rounds and plasma-knives, while the others in the rovers were mainly sightseers with cameras, food, and water bottles.

Luke was prepared to shoot first and ask questions later, which was not his style, but times changed, while Sonya zoomed ahead despite her orders she was not to act on her own, but she did, to find Michael before the Admiral did.

Alabaster sped on a hover bike across the Red Entaries plains with a plume of white smoke behind her. First, she saw a black horse leading Raver's Group, then the Swashbucklers with black and gold capes and masks on, she had to reach Mike, she just had to; so she could tell him how she felt about him no matter the cost, and she did.

Captain Alabaster stopped her hover bike in front of the horse to stop them and see what the legendary Raver Sholla would do.

Just as she thought, the group tried to kill her, but Rahden Jr. spoke out to stop the senseless slaughter: "Don't shoot, please, she's here to help, I promise, Raver! Don't do it—Drop the minigun now, please I beg of you. You killed my mom, not her too..."

"If you don't shoot me, I'll tell you all of the Admiral's plans."

"Alright," Raver said. "Speak up before I change my mind."

"They have a hover tank with rovers and more, including twenty-five hundred strong at their command carrying deadly weapons. They'll be here very soon, and they will try to arrest you."

"And Michael, I love you," Sonya said and waited for Mike's response.

"I love you too." He said.

"Get on my bike."


Michael got on and zipped by to get away from the war zone as the captain was driving northeast. They entered the east wing to elude the security in the west wing. They met Rahden Jr.'s dad and told him that the death of his wife was from Raver. He was very angry.

Sonya Alabaster said the Admiral is looking to kill Michael for killing off many people when the Hollowed Eagle crashed on the Moon. Admiral Luke Logan also might think you, Rahden Sr., might be guilty of crimes too.

Before Rahden Jr. and Alabaster left for the Moon to escape Logan, they made love at Sonya's apartment.

Michael and Sonya hid out at Moon Lodger's Inn, until they found a large enough spaceship to go to Earth and live out their new life on the planet where they were safe from Luke, or so they thought.

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