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Tensions flared, as the soldiers marched, they knew they might die in the clash with Raver's Group, but Logan was serious and wanted to take the Pirates alive so they could be placed on death row.

He wanted justice for the people who crashed in the Hollowed Eagle and so did Trevor and Joanna, they had their Viper handguns at the ready as they slowly drove in their hover rover not knowing they were potentially out matched since Michael told Raver about Luke, his group, and plans. They were ready for Logan.


Time was quick and Raver told her men to retreat to the hover house for cover and did so, now they were ready for the soldiers and their hover tank, they sped forth with the minigun in hand by Raver and they would see it through.


Admiral Luke Logan knew Rahden Jr., and his captain had escaped and he wanted Michael's capture. The sun started to fall, it would soon be night again.

As night came the soldiers set up camp, this was now an opportunity for both Trevor and Logan to talk:

"I can't believe it," Trev spoke as Luke told him the whole story about the Solar Space Fleet's Hollowed Eagle that had crashed into the Moon because of Michael Rahden Jr. and the Pirates.

Trevor Trahern shook his head no. "Michael was one of my miners and a friend of mine, I don't believe it."

"He was working for the Space Pirate Raver Sholla, and I think his father Rahden Sr. had something to do about this whole mess of things."

"Oh," Trevor said as Joanne Brown snuck up behind him with a back hug, and he laughed because he's ticklish. "Isn't that so..."

"Well, Mike betrayed me, and he should go to jail." Trahern said.

As daybreak came, Logan's party suited up and got their weapons ready. They were ambushed by Raver's new minigun and her Pirate's shooting energy beams from the hover house's now open windows.

Grenades were thrown by the Buccaneers targeting Luke's hover tank and hover rovers. The grenades were well thrown to hit under the vehicles to destroy their hover thrusters.

The vehicles were disabled as the surviving soldiers were now retreating on foot with the rest of the group commanded by Logan; they had no chance except for the Forger who shot a brilliant beam from his arm gun. He destroyed the hover house with one blast as the Pirates escaped with no one hurt.

Raver commanded her party to hunt the Admiral down and to capture him if that was possible because he would make a great hostage and he would be a way to escape Red Entaries.

The Admiral gave orders to protect the civilians as the soldiers were killed by Sholla's minigun and she drew a plasma-knife to fight Logan's energy sword.

Amidst the chaos, a duel began, Raver versus the Admiral. Luke wanted to arrest her while she was going to hold him hostage from Trevor, Tyrone and Joanna with the Forger. The civilians and others escaped with the damaged rovers.

Logan managed to slice Raver's arm off as she ducked under his second swing and caught him with her plasma-knife against his neck, he was now her hostage and the Swashbucklers made their escape, slowly, and they tied off Sholla's bleeding wound as best as they could. She was dying and time was sparse.

Raver's Group made their escape from Red Entaries and, before they did, she decided the laser minigun would be a part of her new arm when it would be engineered, if she lived long enough to attach it. When they made their escape, the Pirates let Logan go free with only a few injuries as they tried to interrogate him, but he barely said a word, in-fact; he would rather die than help the freebooters.

Raver's arm was stitched together, and she was given antibodies to stave off infection, and after the healing pain; her new minigun attachment was made and it healed well, she was pleased about her new arm.

From Logan the Pirates received only a small bit of information. That was when Rahden Jr. told his father that Raver's Group, the very same group that Rahden Sr. hired to destroy the Hollowed Eagle, also killed his mother, so Michael wanted revenge against Sholla for killing her, but right now; Rahden Jr. just wanted to be with Sonya.

Luke was the only member of his party to know that the Buccaneers had escaped. As soon as he was set free, he went and told the fellowship about what happened to him, however; the party was glad that the bloodshed was over, and they went back to their Red Entaries apartments in the sidewalls.

Food and supply shipments were delayed from Earth since there were dangerous Pirates in Red Entaries. Now it's safe because the Swashbucklers are gone, and no more battles are raging in the present.

People in the sidewall apartments were hungry and had been waiting for the Solar Space Fleet to deliver consumables.

After the Admiral was seen by a doctor and his wounds were healed, he decided to go on a hunt with his soldiers because food was scarce. The SSF was taking too long to deliver their food.

Since their vehicles needed repairs because of Raver's Group, they decided to take a walk and capture wild horses for their transports in the huge dome Red Entaries, and to hunt down prey for food.

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