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It was heavily fortified with cyborg guards and a warbot stationed at the elevator. The outside looked pretty with gold doors and silver roofs, no doubt, minerals from mining, but on the inside, it looked ready for war.

It had white walls and marble floors with passages that were in a cross.

A child cyborg must've heard the door fall, and she smiled at the two women while Raver whispered to it, it seemed to be a female.

"Where are the stairs?"

"There are none on this floor, this is not the penthouse where the Governor lives. I'm just exploring, many people seem to visit him..."

"Okay now, march along," then the little girl ran while playing with her robotic puppy. She had no idea that Joanna and Sholla were a threat.

The only way down was the elevator, and that was guarded heavily, and before the gentlemen and ladies spotted them, they had little choice but to flee.

They made their way back to the space-pad, asking the Mob and the Pirates for grappling hooks to climb down since the top floor was guarded with that warbot.

Taking an elevator would be too risky, they might get caught in it.

So, the Gangsters and Bandits attached the hooks for their bosses, and they made their descent.

Raver wondered how they would fit into a porthole until she saw the Red Viper use the Pirate leader's laser pick.

She made a door shaped rectangle and she made certain there were stairs on this floor, and there was.

There were plenty of cameras attached to the ceiling and that's all for now, apparently.

Raver Sholla came alongside Joanne hanging from a grappling hook cord. She kicked-in the rectangular new-made door and it fell, porthole and all.

Immediately, both women swung in. The Harbinger placed down Sholla's laser pick on one knee then she started to shoot her Red Viper handgun.

Glass and wiring was on the floor, it did little help, since all this destruction was heard on floor fifty-seven by the camera listening devices.

However, they were not seen yet, and the Mob leader and Pirate leader both split-up.

Without looking back the Red Viper ran down the hall as fast as she could, stepping carefully down the stairs.

This happened while Raver attached her hook to the gaping hole and she watched porthole after porthole, and floor by floor where the Harbinger carefully went down, until the notified warbot met her at the end, floor one.

It was an ambush. The Harbinger had to flip a heavy table on its side for cover.

Then, suddenly, the explosive rounds and laser fire from the cyborg guards, and the warbot, stopped, when she realized it was Raver, flanking them with cover fire. So Joanna could destroy the warbot with her handgun, while Sholla mowed down the cyborgs with her gatling gun.

It was clear. The Red Viper used her com to call the Mob and Pirates, telling them it was safe and where the Governor was.

The Governor wasn't easy to catch, there were two guards, and he had a plasma sword to protect himself with.

The government officials managed to kill three Swashbucklers and Black Vipers while they were being handcuffed.

They caught the officers by outnumbering them;then also they caught two of the most important people in Red Entaries ashostages.

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