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Many of the crew were injured, but they kept walking on. Rahden Jr. and Sholla opened an emergency kit to save a Pirate's leg that was showing a bone. They had to stop the bleeding, so they tied it off and pulled out a shard of glass. He needed rest and water. He drank the last of his canteen and the group had to keep moving.

"There is only one way out," Michael said, "and that's through the vehicle bay and airlock to the north, we have a little chance to survive with no vehicles, we need to find some, and we must keep our guard up," he said to Raver with darting eyes.

"Yes," she agreed, "we must."

"We have the advantage for now," a Buccaneer said, "they think we're dead, maybe we can sneak out."

Raver and Mike both nodded in agreement. The backpacks they carried were beginning to be heavy, they needed a pack mule or horse.

Rahden Jr. said: "I kept my zipline with me for an emergency such as for quicksand or if someone fell in a ditch or hole, then we can pull the freebooter out."

Sholla said her plan was to lasso a horse with Michael's zipline and he started to make a lasso-knot.

"I learned this from school and from watching a video about cowboys. I'll see if I can go lasso a horse for us guys." Mike said.

So Rahden Jr. went south back to the horses he saw and got the line ready. He missed one at first then the creatures began to flee as he caught one and jumped on it. It was like riding a bull. He tried to break it in but he fell off after four seconds.

Michael pulled the horse down with him. He had the black beast on the line, and he was being dragged as it tried to escape. He was now in the red sand and was being burned.

Rahden Jr. wore the animal down and it finally broke. He brought the horse to Raver, and he named it Midnight. The Pirates cut Michael's zipline into three pieces and attached the line to six backpacks with their emergency supplies and threw it over the horse's back. Midnight cried out at first as Raver got on it, leading the group, then it was finally safe.

The second in command, Michael Rahden Jr. checked to see if his laser-rifle was still there, and it was attached to his back and not broken. He was ready to fight the soldiers or other creatures if he had to because of Raver's orders:

She told him she wanted Rahden Jr. to scout with Midnight because it was almost nighttime and that was the best time to do it. Raver made sure his laser-rifle could zoom in since they had no binoculars. Now Michael was ready to scout, and the others made a fire and went to sleep as Sholla took the first guard duty.

A pack of lions were ready to ambush Raver Group's camp. The fire and smoke made the beasts alert and ready to pounce; Sholla had to wake her men up to the situation. As they were surrounded the Pirates pulled out their laser handguns, they had no choice but to kill the creatures; and this would give the humans plenty of lion meat.

With quickdraws the ray guns made a blasting sound when the cubs and lionesses fled. All five of the leader lions were now killed. They were cut open with plasma-knives and were cooked one at a time for thirty-minutes each. When Rahden Jr. came back he could smell the good meat.

Michael said: he rode Midnight in the brush, he was careful, and was staying around the trees and followed the Red Entaries com-map along the side heading north.

Mike spoke again saying: "I zoomed in and saw a large pack of people including cyborgs and machine humans awaiting orders from Admiral Luke Logan. They had lots of guns and supplies with hover rovers and spaceships ready to take action while hunting us. I'm sorry guys but they saw me. That is why they know we're not all dead from the crash, I messed up Raver."

She was angry at him because she knew the dangerous assassin drones would be back, but she forgave Michael since his scouting report gave news about more vehicles coming their way, they needed a spacecraft and hover rover to escape the dome and to avoid any more dangers from animals.

When it was sunrise, the group had to protect their food from hyenas and vultures and other scavengers. The Buccaneers couldn't risk being heard so they had to defend themselves with plasma-knives instead of loud laser beam handguns. The threatening beasts died by their knives easily, and they had to stomp out the fire and hide the animal corpses since Logan was now hunting them and they didn't want him to pick them up on their trail.

As the pirates were walking and trotting with Midnight, they found a hover house; it was a white double wide platform, and it was moving one foot off the ground. Raver wanted to inspect it.

As the freebooters went in, they saw a middle aged woman with a laser gatling gun, who was threatening Sholla and her party.

"Get out!" She said, "this is my house."

She told her men to back up, and after she gave the order, she said: "I want that gatling gun, take it from her." So, they went back in and jumped on her. No one was hurt and the group took the gatling gun and killed her with it by another order from Raver.

Rahden Jr. complained: "That was my mother you just killed! How dare you!" No one listened to his complaint like they didn't even care, so Mike just held it in until he could tell his father.

Now I know never to trust a Space Pirate, he thought.

The group used the house to freshen up and use the utilities, they ate their emergency supplies and drank water from the tap.

"Now we can destroy those drones when they come looking for us again with this laser gatling gun," she said, "we best be on our way now men and bury that dead woman next to the dome in the tall grass.

As they buried the body the assassin drones cameagain, about six of them. Raver came out of the hover house and destroyed allof them with the gatling gun. She led the group with Midnight to the north toconfront Admiral Luke Logan.

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