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Trevor Trahern refused to give up hope since he still owned his first asteroid lot on Dakrin, now; he would hope to make a new company to mine his lot but on Red Entaries instead of the Moon. It wouldn't be cheap. He wanted to talk to Michael's father about it.

As Darien Came landed on a shuttle from the Hollowed Eagle and as other ships from the Moon landed, there were some of the survivors and Trevor's friends. Trev hoped to add them to his company.

Darien Came was hired by chairman Trahern to be a pilot on the Moon and when the Hollowed Eagle was about to crash, he saved many lives with a shuttle and his driving skills.

Everyone of Mike's friends saw him get arrested in Red Entaries, including his father. As Admiral Logan told Trevor about the Hollowed Eagle and why it crashed into the Moon and who did it, it was Michael and Raver's Group, the Buccaneers. Mike was now a Pirate and Admiral Luke Logan wanted a fair trial for Rahden Jr., but he knew he would be found guilty.

Trevor and Rahden Sr. mourned for him for being caught as a Pirate and they knew he would be on death row eventually, but he wanted to escape.

Michael's father called Raver with his com later when he was alone in his office, he wanted Raver's Group to make a cell break for him.

As Mike was being pulled away, he fought with all his might and with some style. The freebooters landed in a clearing with cover in a ground attack. Logan and his soldiers were no match for Raver's Group, for the skill and technology of the Bandits.

Eventually, Trevor, Logan and friends had to escape into the sidewalls; only a few soldiers were left. They were outmatched, and Rahden Jr. was a survivor. He stole a shuttle from a far distance on a perch of a crystal mountain.

In the cold clouds of the man-made atmosphere in the Red Entaries dome, he grabbed his laser rifle out from the ship, got in position, and let Sholla know on his com he might be able to pick off the remaining soldiers, but he was only able to kill one.

Raver came in a hover rover with her Swashbucklers as Rahden got back into his shuttle. It looked good for the Pirates having this blitz attack: Shuttle lasers from Mike, and ground troops from the the soldiers defended the ground attack some of them were killed by the spacecraft.

A strong and stocky soldier AKA the Forger, yelled, "Michael! Stop this—" He tried to lock-on to the shuttle with his eye gear...then Mike strafed his payload—he boasted— "Heh, this old bird still has it."

The Forger stepped out from behind his cover and grunted—locking on to Rahden Jr. 's ship with his big gun and blew his shuttle to bits in one expanding—halo laser shot as Michael ejected from his seat.

In the smoke of the explosion the Forger quickly turned his head, locking on to the Pirates on the ground with his eye gear to find their position, then shot his gun in that direction. Once Mike saw this huge expanding halo coming toward him, he quickly retreated. The crystal mountain shattered...the Forger grunted: "What a shame...such a pretty mountain...bah..." He muttered.

Raver, Rahden Jr., and most of the Pirates headed back into their spaceship.

Tyrone was informed about the situation, and before the smoke cleared from the spacecraft the Forger engineered, Ty wiped out some of Raver's Group in a hover rover. After his shoulder mounted missiles were depleted (connected to his large armor, attached in a wide-outward-angle on his armored deltoids.)

He then grabbed his light-weight kind of big submachine ray gun, to blast the Pirates in a pop-out from behind's attached on an extra-long shoulder strap around his neck.

As Raver Sholla and her men were escaping, Michael saw the crystal mountain's dust-debris sparkle like raining diamonds. Mike hit his head hard when fleeing in the ship with Raver (didn't put on his safety belt, not enough time...)

Rahden Jr. was the pilot for Raver and her crew. A white button on the ship's console started pulsating red. Michael pressed it—

"This is Admiral Logan," a rasping old voice appeared. "Stop this insanity Mike, some of my soldiers weren't responding, now we have to take care of the dead in the dome. Turn yourselves in, there is no escape for you and those freebooters," the Admiral finished speaking and the Space Pirates never responded.

The pilot Michael Rahden Jr. saw the landscape as he flew over it...a mostly unsettled dome modernized by the touch of mankind with many animals, and it didn't look safe.

Before Raver's spaceship could escape Red Entaries several assassin drones were shooting lasers at them, the ship had no chance, and had to make a crash landing. The spaceship broke in half and landed in a nest of trees. The pirates attached ziplines to their bodies to fly gently to their feet in safety for now.

They had emergency supplies with them to eat, drink, and defend themselves such as blaster guns. Sholla told her crew that Logan and his men would hunt them down and kill them either in combat or execution on death row, they were too merciless to have prison time from court, death was their only option, "and we will never turn ourselves in or be captured," Raver said.

"Our only chance is to fight."

As Raver's Group met the grassy and weedy ground amid the trees in Red Entaries, they made their way. With no paths to follow they stayed in the high vegetation and tried to avoid the open plains where they saw wild horses in a herd, eating and watching.

As the drones searched the crash site, theyassumed Sholla, and her men died. The assassin drones flew back to Logan andhis soldiers with camera evidence said that Raver and the Pirates were alldead, and Miss Sholla was relieved.

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