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The next day there was a clanging sound and a whistling noise at 4 a.m.

Then a horn which woke everyone up in the barracks. Except for the one who couldn't sleep.

All the recruits grabbed a tray and went in single file to get a bite to eat for breakfast.

Everyone was still tired from the morning jog. There was sweat down their backs and around the collar, but not Trevor, with his robotic legs, and he was only sweating because the dome was warm.

Many of the recruits had sore muscles and they didn't know Trevor was a cyborg yet, but soon they would know.

They did pushups and weight training with squats as Trevor had to fake the lifts and, he tried to do the recommended amount of reps in sets, he forgot to rest and made out the others in his platoon to look like weaklings.

This was no competition for Trevor, he just wanted to buy Laura an engagement ring at the Red Entaries City, this was something he wanted to earn himself.

The Forger appeared in a holographic image and he was blowing his whistle, and now, he yelled in his horn:

"Everyone get cleaned-up, take your showers, get changed, hydrate, and prepare for chores!"

When Trevor took his shower everyone except the women saw he was a cyborg.

The ladies were separated in their own bunks with no men.

Trev had to work with latrines, he covered the fecal matter with red sand then he dug a new latrine hole for the toilet and wondered why the Army has such bad technology, I mean, those are out houses on wheels.

Mr. Trahern had to wait a while for one latrine that someone else was using before he could cover it with sand.

Chores went on in the bright sun. Some cleaned food trays all morning, while others tended to the crops between the toilets. Apparently, it was good fertilizer.

They had vegetables including Potatoes, sweet potatoes, celery, garlic, and carrots while the trees in the latrine garden had apples, peaches, bananas and pears.

There were few insects in the dome, so everything grew into the dirty sand and the greenhouses were organic.

The red sand harbored little nutrition so grass would only grow in the latrine gardens. There was plenty of oxygen and people in the area where plants were grown.

More and more recruits had to come and grow the population and plants.

Some families had been stationed on the Moon but now since the crash of the Hollowed Eagle they never went back but now were stationed at their new home at Red Entaries and grew families together.

The population grew and grew to stop the appearance of Street Slugs working for the Mob or the Pirates.

The time for the freebooters and the Gangsters was scarce; they would soon have to leave if they didn't want to be subject to justice, and law and order.

After the next hard day everyone knew that the cyborgs were welcomed into the army and more and more of them were arriving lately.

Cyborgs weren't allowed into the games, but they now had their own sports which were even more popular.

At the end of the week Trevor received a paycheck and he became friends with Tom Elizer. He thought his cybernetic enhancements were cool but not how he couldn't have children.

They talked about dia, girls and for the safety of Red Entaries. It was known on the news that the Red Entaries City was not safe, so the Governor recruited more soldiers while the FBI and police were not enough to stop the protesters, Street Slugs, Bandits, and the Mob.

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