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After the surgery Trevor needed to be hospitalized so his body could heal. He invited Laura and Eddie with Tyrone right after the surgery; he didn't want to make them wait more than they had to.

After Ed popped his head into the open door while smiling, he made him laugh and they were all around the table grinning with humor. He couldn't stop laughing until Rains asked him how it went and what was his decision.

Laura supported Trevor even after she heard he can't have a sex life anymore; he even told them he was going to be a miner now and he hopes he can work for Red Entaries so he can earn a living.

"I know all about your decision since I just paid three million dia for it."

"I just found out from Miss Laura that you didn't have to pay for me. I could have just got a loan since I have good credit, and I would be able to pay it off because I'm going to be a miner."

"But Trevor, I love you, even if we can't have sex, we could still be together as machine and woman."

"You must really love me then." Eddy and Ty left them for privacy.

"Yes, I do, oh, Trev, let's get married."

"Well, I can't now, I need to stay hospitalized. I'm in pain and I'm on meds. I need to heal first then we can be wed."

"Oh, Trevor, I love you so much," Laura said. But are you sure you love me?"

"I love you Laura because you love me, I see that now, since I'm a cyborg, and you can see the real me."

The nurse knocked on the door. "Miss Rains, he needs to rest."

"Okay, we'll talk later."

"Bye Laura."

"Bye Trev."

Trevor was able to walk again after a week of rest. The Admiral came in to see if Trevor was doing well...Trahern had something to say to Logan.

"Now listen here, Sir," Trevor said as he was pacing back and forth in the room.

"I know the secret conspiracy the CEO has."

"What secret?" He said.

"He hired the Pirates to destroy the Hollowed Eagle so it couldn't stop the planetoid from colliding with the Moon."

"Rahden Sr. wants asteroid Dakrin for himself, so if the planetoid consumed the Moon there would be little competition. He would mine most of it and become the richest man ever."

"Raver did what she was hired to do. One of the Buccaneer's destroyed the Hollowed Eagle, but they were too late and it destroyed the planetoid to pieces."

"And I hate to say it," Trevor sat down, Mike and Sonya were in on this conspiracy too, they were working as Bandits."

"Logan stomped his right foot and yelled: "Those Pirates are responsible for mass murders on the Hollowed Eagle and First Reach! I'll bring them to justice one-way or another—"

"Yes, I agree," he said, "those Bandits and the Mob must be stopped.

Eddy spoke, "sorry to invade, but I overheard you talking about a wedding, weren't you married to Joanna?"

"Well, I got a divorce, apparently, Joanne made me sign the papers then she hurt me badly with a plasma knife. Now I can walk. I was paralyzed for a day or so, but I'm better now. I had to become a cyborg. Now I want to work at the mines."

"Wow!" That's a lot to handle, so who are you going to marry?"

"That would be Laura Rains, she really loves me, you know, even if we can't be together as normal people, since I'm part machine. My spinal cord and legs are manmade."

"Wow—that's something else." Tyrone said.

"Since you're getting married," Eliot said, "you should know there's a church in the Red Entaries City, what do you think of that?"

"I would love to get married in a church with all the proper things, but first, I need to get an engagement ring for her. I feel great!"

Trevor thought, how am I going to be a miner when the Boss is a corrupt CEO? I'm going to have to wait on this job and find something to do in the mean-time.

Trev stood up from the chair, he spoke to Luke: "Now Mr. Logan could I work for you to earn some dia and for a place to stay?

"Well Trevor, if you want to join the army you have to qualify and be in good shape, okay?"

"Yes, I understand.

"We have to test you to see what you qualify have to talk to a drill sergeant at the training camp."

"Okay, where's that at?"

"You can meet the sergeant and new recruits near the docking bay, good luck."

Trevor and Logan saluted each other.

Before Trevor Trahern left, he shook the hands of Laura, Eddy, and Tyrone.

"Sir, Ty said, aren't you a bit old to join the army?"

"It's just temporary until I buy something, pay you and Ed and afford a place to stay."

"Okay, I understand Sir," Tyrone grunted while Edward and Rains nodded in agreement."

He left the medical bay and went to the regiment and waited by the other soldiers as the sergeant was recognized by Trevor to be the Forger.

They all nodded and stood straight and saluted.

The Forger spoke adamantly: "New recruits, we're waiting for more soldiers then we'll head off to training camp. You all will be assigned to platoons and bunkers.

As the emerald-colored spaceships arrived, the Forger and the new recruits had to wait for another twenty-minutes for them to come into the docking bay.

As young men and women arrived with black pants and white T-shirts, and bags for personal items they knew if they failed the trials, they would become a reserve instead of becoming a soldier.

The new recruits followed the Forger into the regiment bay where they were told to take their load off at the barracks. Trevor was told to go to bunk number four to meet his platoon while resting and socializing.

The first thing he and his group were paid for were the chores.

Everyone was laughing and happy in Trahern's bunk, including him as he opened his letter from the secretary and company.

But that's until he read it and saw he had latrines.

Trevor dropped the letter and frowned. He was disappointed.

The other ones had to do chores such as watering food plants at the greenhouses or being a secretary assistant, which was a busy job and much more.

One mate's name was Tom Elizer. He picked up and saw Trevor's letter. He shook his head and said, "latrine duty?"

After the recruits had dinner, they went tosleep.

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