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When Joanna arrived at Mars, she was surprised to see her sister-twin Lorena at the dome entrance. Then she received a text message on her com from the FBI Boss. When Jo read the message, she was told how to end the prostitution ring there, and she thought why her Boss would wait so long to tell her and that her sister doesn't want to be a secretary anymore.

"If Trevor finds out he's going to be mad, that, I have to pretend to be a prostitute, and my sister-twin with me. We used to work as a team in old times when we were thirteen years of age. Yes, Sis'?" Joanne said to her sister as she was watching Lorena nod and put on her disguise. They each had the same outfit from the FBI, and they were almost spotted with their disguises by Rahden jr., but he didn't notice them and thought they were party goers with their purple laser beads and Michael didn't know they were his friends: Joanna Brown and Lorena Brown. It was a very close call, indeed. As the women entered the airlock, they took off their space suits and finished getting dressed in short maroon dresses.

As they entered Red Entaries, the dome on Mars. They were scared because it looked dangerous with the forested area where animals lived and so far, were hidden. They haven't seen one yet or met a person except Mike and themselves. So, they decided to enter one of the sidewalls to find prostitutes. The two women pulled out their handguns. The Red Viper pistol for Joanna and an FBI gun for Lorena.

They cleared the hallway first to find no one and they thought the ring must be in the Red Entaries' apartments, so they put away their guns and went for a room to stay to try again at a different time. The room was expensive, so they went to rest for the day.

The purpose of the sister-twins was to deal with the pimps and make people think they would sleep with them and get them to pay up first so they could arrest them before kissing so they wouldn't have to, and that is what their FBI Boss wanted so they could infiltrate and not have intercourse. Joanne was married to Trevor and Lorena, her twin, has yet to be married, so this is what the sisters thought about as they finally fell fast asleep.

As the girls awoke, they went to meet Rahden Sr., the CEO of Red Entaries, if anyone knows about the prostitution or pimps, he does.

While Rahden Sr.'s wife was away he had company. The twins Lorena and Jo found no activity in the hallways, so they decided it was best to see the CEO first. The sisters knocked on the steel door until it was shot upwards by the control of Mr. Rahden Sr. or someone else.

As the sisters entered the room, they noticed that the CEO had company. It was a very attractive lady sitting on Rahden Sr. 's desk, and they asked the elderly man why?

"Well, she's just my daughter," he said, but the twins knew he was lying and were ready to arrest him, but they had no evidence so they couldn't bring him to court on Red Entaries.

So, the twins spoke, saying: "we might be back." As they left for now. The sisters continued the search of the west wing apartments looking for clues, and to catch anyone in the act of prostitution.

And there it was finally proof, they saw two people smiling, bringing themselves into a room after a lady paid a man, it was room 602.

After the couple went in, they first knocked on the door but there was no response, just moaning sounds, so they had no choice but to shoot beams from their guns to unlock it.

The sisters said they were with the FBI, and they quickly cuffed and arrested them for their crime of prostitution. The criminals were immediately brought to a Red Entaries prison cell until they paid bail or saw the judge in court, whichever one came first.

This time they wanted to pretend to be prostitutes themselves, by first knocking on doors in the west wing until they could see through the tiny porthole on the steel mechanism that they were being watched or not, and finally, room 612 had an appearance of an obese man that looked rich and interested in the FBI twins for hire, they carefully put their guns away before the door swung up, carefully, not to blow their cover.

"Come in ladies," the man said. He looked curiously at the other bruised faced women in the room who looked like they needed help to get away from this man who called himself Didian Maxwell. He paid the twins two thousand dia to have a kiss with him as the others watched and once, they received the dia, everything changed.

The sister-twins immediately pulled out their handguns to shoot the pimp if they had to while the other bruised women ran away and escaped before they would be arrested too.

Maxwell immediately gave in to the twins' demands and laid on the ground while they cuffed him. The twins were pleased and believed their work was done and with the coms they had they notified their FBI Boss that their work was indeed finished, the sisters believed they made a difference for the best of the colony, and the Boss was pleased with their work on Red Entaries.

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