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The Mars sky was dark with the setting sun, Raver activated the light switches on her suit to see, next she called the CEO with her com. She told him and her remaining Pirates to flee immediately since they might be in danger from Logan and the Mob.

"Right," Rahden Sr. said to Michael and Sonya, "we must be going daughter-in-law Alabaster."

So, the group with the Bandits left in their rovers to their apartments and went into the dome's wall.

As they drove South past the Red Entaries desert, the CEO and Raver spoke again together in the same hover rover.

My plan was for you to put your dia away so it would be safe, but I also wanted to remove the Admiral, Marsupial the Mayor and Edrick the Governor by you: Sholla, Michael, and Sonya, but it failed.

The main thing now Raver is to bring you and my family to safety with your remaining Pirates.


Trevor was out of pocket when it came to his funds, so he wondered who paid for them when he noticed from two mirrors his wounds were stitched up.

He saw Tyrone and Eddy Elliot at his bedside and smiled.

"So, who paid for this?" His eyes looked wide.

"It was both of us Sir, your fellow Butler and loyal bodyguard, but you owe us."

"Don't worry, I'll find a way to pay you guys, you can trust me." He said politely. Trevor put his shirt back on and noticed Logan coming in his direction.

Luke came and nodded as he wondered why Trahern was in a hover chair. He thought, I hope he's alright.

Several soldiers came-up and circled Trev while a pricey limo came near and parked, several men and women in black leather came out first, then it was a lady in green.

It was Laura Rains. She came and massaged Trevor. It was a pleasure-pain.

He didn't want her to stop, and Mr. Trahern wondered why she was here.

She asked Trevor if he could walk and he said, "no, I'm crippled now." Both Trev and Laura cried together in anguish.

She said, "you're lucky you're rich, I'm sure the doctors will find a way to treat you, Trevor."

"Let's go inside Trahern so I can sit down and talk with you."

"No, we better not, the Mob was just here!"

"Okay," she sighed sweetly. "Let's go to my limo where it's safe."

She whistled to her bodyguards while Edward and Tyrone followed when they heard about the Mob too, they were frightened.

After Trevor and Laura entered the last doors of the limousine they talked as one of the leather-clad bodyguards was driving.

Wow, this is a nice ride, Trevor thought, it reminds me of Solar City. I wonder where I'll be headed next.

"News spreads fast about you, Trevor Trahern," Miss Rains said. "I know all about your ex-wife Joanna. I came here again at Red Entaries to see how you're doing; you don't look too good.

Trev wondered where they put his hover chair when two bodyguards helped him into the limo as he talked: "You know, Laura, I'm poor now, I'm not rich like I used to be. I wish I could bid on the asteroid auction for the last lot available, but I just don't have that kind of dia, I guess I have to start fresh, and all over."

I never started poor, I was born into a rich family and now I have no gold, just bills. How has your life been going Laura?"

"Oh, it's great," she smiled at him. "I'm in a new sitcom now. I'm making one million an episode. It's a comedy show and I'm starring in it, but now, I'm on vacation so I decided to see you again after I heard about what happened to you," Laura Rains said. "But I never thought you were poor, that's a surprise, but isn't Red Entaries so beautiful?" She asked Trevor.

"Well...yes, it is," he said. "I've only been at the gates of the city, you know, the Slums. It's a dangerous place, with all of those Street Slugs and others not to mention, the Buccaneers."

"Oh, I know," Laura smiled while winking at him.

"You can stop driving here," she let go of the speaker button," and Barnabus the driver did so.

"This is the best hospital in Red Entaries," she said. "But I didn't know you couldn't pay for your own hospitalization, so I will."

"Thank you," Mr. Trahern said. "I can see why it's next to the air-lock, so people can get treatment right-away, especially for the cyborgs, that way they won't have to drive all-the-way to the Red Entaries City."

"Trevor, do you think we need an appointment? I'd hate to drive all the way here for nothing," she said.

"I don't know, I hope not," Trev said. "And thank you, Laura, I really appreciate this," Trevor spoke as he was carried to his hover chair which was now out of the trunk and unfolded.

Trahern blushed as Laura kissed and hugged him, but it was abrupt when a nurse came to see if they needed any more help. All the nurse could do was hold the door open for him.

After Trevor was inside, they noticed the company of cyborgs, some with metallic arms and legs but he was disgusted when he saw one full cyborg that wasn't human anymore.

The secretary at the desk spoke and asked if Trevor needed treatment and Laura spoke up: "Yes Sir, he can't walk and I'm paying for it.

"Okay, come to the register so I can scan your eyes unless you have another payment method."

"Oh, that's fine," Laura said.

She had her eyes scanned to see if she could be charged and she could.

"It will cost you this amount, he gave the receipt to her."

"Many thanks Laura," Trevor said.

"No problem," Miss Rains said.

It was a deal-while until the last cyborg left the med unit, and only Trev and Laura were last.

"Trevor," the nurse called. "Sorry for the wait,


"Oh, It's no problem, and I'll be right back Laura, you'll see, I'll be walking again, "he smiled at her and she grinned showing her white pearls.

The doctor almost fainted when she saw the x-rays for Mr. Trahern, but it was her duty to tell him the bad news and just before she told him Tyrone and Eddy came storming in against the wishes of the nurse and secretary.

"Trevor, can you walk yet?" Ed blurted.

Ty nodded, "I bet he can."

"Not yet fellas, I need the operation first, okay?"

"Oh, sorry, we'll be in the waiting room if you need anything, come on Eddy."

"Okay, now that they're gone, I need to tell you about these x-rays," the nurse said. "You have to make a choice, I'm sorry."

"What choice?" he said.

"You have to choose between being able to walk again or to have children, I'm sorry Sir."

"I'm sorry again Trevor Trahern, but there's more, if you choose to walk again you won't be able to have sex."

"But if you stay the way you are, that's with no operation, you can still have a sex life, however, you must stay a cripple."

Trevor wept louder and longer than he ever had having thought: Why must this happen to me, it's all that Joanna's fault, now, I'm screwed either way, maybe I should tell my friends and Laura first about this, but then no, this is something I need to do on my own, I'm an adult after all and I made my choice.

The doctor now saw him and patted him on the back in a comforting way when he looked to have decided.

"Let's do it doc while I still can, and youknow...I can always adopt a child."

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