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After 10 more weeks, Trevor was in great shape but because of his augments he couldn't do normal push-ups, he weighed too much, but he could run and sprint very well and his arms and abs were more muscular.

Tom Elizer received a letter from his wife telling him he was loved, and that she had a baby boy named after him. He was happy and he told Trevor he was happy.

"I hope the battle for Red Entaries will be over soon with these new recruits. So, what do you think Trev?"

"Yes, I agree Tom," Trahern said," Isn't our platoon heading out soon? I mean then it would be safe for me to visit the city. Tom, I heard a lot of good things about it since the apartments are much bigger. I also hope they have many stores so I can buy Laura an engagement ring. I'm happier than I have been in a while." He smiled.

Elizer spoke: "I heard the Forger say the platoons will be ready next week to take back the city."

"I'm ready right now." Trevor said, "but if I have to wait another week, I'm sure it's worth it. I saved up to fifty-six thousand dia in my bank account and I'm going to bring my debit card so after the battle I can buy Laura the ring. What will you do when we get to the city?"

"What, me?" Tom noticed the platoon would soon get some sleep. Well, I asked the Forger's new secretary Lorena Brown when we can come home and she said it depends when the battle will be over, it could take years but you're right Trevor about the pretty city, you want to check it out, if it's over soon, with me?"

"Sure," Trev said delightfully, Trevor and the rest of them got some shut-eye.

After a week passed the Forger woke up the platoons. He was standing next to the acting Admiral, Luke Logan, and he decided to tell the army the bad news first.

"Now hear me!" Luke exclaimed why the Forger could only nod. "The Mayor and Governor have been thrown into prison and are tortured victims of the Mobsters. It's only a matter of time until they're dead at the hands of the Harbinger, we must stop them! but the good news is everything will get back to normal as soon as possible, then we can get back to our families wherever they are."

"My officers, bring in the arms and supplies," Logan yelled into his microphone so they could hear him, and they did.

It was an assortment of blaster rifles, laser machine guns with explosive rounds and attachments. There were many, and there was plenty of rations with all sorts of supplies for the medics, support, assault, and recon teams.

All of a sudden, there was a clapping sound in Logan's microphone, but it wasn't himself or the Forger.

"It's me, the camp's secretary," she stopped her impolite clap. "You know what happened? Raver almost killed me, at the First Reach prison break. I'm Lorena Brown." She spoke louder into the microphone. "And if you want to stop the Harbinger, my sister, you should take me along, maybe I can convince her and Sholla to stop, even if they don't look back from their ways."

The platoons saluted her and were inspired, even Logan patted on her back while the Forger shook her hand, and the last thing she said before returning to the office was,

"I heard about what she did to Trevor, and I'm very sorry," she wiped her face.

A firework round was shot into the air by the recon group who scouted the area, and it was now safe.

Everyone in Red Entaries heard the fireworks, their eyes lit up, it was hoped that things might return back to normal soon.

Lorena said: "Come in," as she saw it was her Boss Admiral Luke Logan and he winked his eye at her to signal her that it was her time to join the troops, and he said so.

Lorena Brown returned his salute with one of her own and spoke, "you know, I used to be a criminal in the Mob like Joanna, she protected me from those goons, and now look at her, she's the Red Viper and leader of the whole gang. She had me and everyone fooled, I thought she was an FBI agent, now look at her with an army of Street Slugs at her command, and going up in ranks, or, at least, that's what the satellite pictures show, right Logan? I used to be like her, heck, we were a team, and with Trevor, we killed the old Harbinger, and the Mob was stopped, look at her, she's back."

"Enough," Luke said, politely, come with us, the new and old soldiers, maybe we can stop Raver and the Harbinger with little violence if you can convince them, I believe in you, Lorena, and, I think you'll have a good shot at it, come-on." They left the room.

With the commands of Logan, he told the Forger,the officer of the new recruits, to signal the attack of every commandedplatoon, Red Entaries, exactly six-thousand men and women, some used to becyborg miners, now soldiers. The army had superior technology, especially theForger, who was a cyborg himself.

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