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There were more than enough space vehicles but not enough soldiers and agents to pilot them. It was now a race from the Moon to Mars. Who would make it there first? And who will make it alive? Only time I could tell.

Emotion of a grim smirk covered Raver's face except for the fire in her eyes. It was hatred, fierce hatred for Logan's men.

But not for Michael and Sonya who used to serve under the Admiral, and now they're at our feet on a whim. They were nagging Raver until she ignored them, then barked orders.

"Michael, you're a pilot, fly this thing. And you, Sonya, take command of the arsenal to keep them from shooting us."

The other pirates now showed respect for Mike and Alabaster, because they were doing their jobs, not just doing, doing it well.

Tyrone kept an eye on Raver as she escaped the whole time, even when she was running up the ramp of the CEO's spaceship.

But instead of shooting missiles and a laser sub-machine gun at her when he had the chance, or the spaceship her group commandeered, he first grimaced then gasped in horror how Michael and Sonya betrayed Trevor and himself to join the Pirates when he saw them run up the ramp and into the spaceship.

Trevor, now limping with pain, got out of the infirmary bed on First Reach. The doctor warned him to stay in bed until they finished his X-rays and stitches.

The wound was along the spinal cord, and he was told to use a hover chair if he must get up.

Upon getting into the chair, Ty met his Boss Trev whom he was still a bodyguard to and told him to get back into the bed, and to Tyrone's surprise, he did.

But only if you would listen to him, so Ty was all ears, or he tried to be, because the bodyguard had important things to tell him too.

"Ty, you're not going to believe this, but my wife tried to kill me—she made me sign divorce papers and she wants to be the Mob's next Red Viper—she lost it, and I don't know what her next move exactly is, but she has definitely gone back to her dark roots which I thought she was over. I'm afraid for her sister Lorena Brown. I wonder if she will turn as well.

"I'll tell the FBI and Logan as soon as I can, Sir," Tyrone said. "Even her sister-twin Lorena, she may be in danger as well, I mean, what if she doesn't join her twin? Could there be a fight between them?"

"You're right Ty, I didn't think of that, we must find her, I at least know she was in one of the apartment sidewalls at Red Entaries. She might still be there; we have to go." Trevor got back up and into the hover chair as a doctor came in.

"Mr. Trahern, I have bad news, your spine is damaged, it was not just a flesh wound, you can go but you can't walk until you get cybernetic implants and enhancements."

"Okay doc," Trevor said.

"But wait, Sir," Tyrone said to Trevor, "there's something you should know. There was a Jailbreak, by Raver, by Pirates among the inmates. About half of them were slain and the rest of them escaped."

"After I failed to stop Raver, I realized she was in the CEO spaceship from Red Entaries. She must have stolen it from him. I would like to question her about it."

Trev nodded in agreement, "I would too."

"I saw Michael and Sonya in First Reach."

"How are they? I mean, Mike's my friend, Tyrone."

"I know, but there's bad news Trevor, they're both in cahoots with the Pirates, they even killed soldiers and agents, there's no turning back from that, he's not your friend anymore, Trev. They escaped and are being chased by the fastest fighter ships and spaceships right now, Boss."

The spaceships and fighter ships split up into two forces. One headed to Earth's orbit, while the other group went to Mars.

Before they split up, Sonya was shooting them down with a military grade turret gun while Michael reached full speed and made it to Red Entaries first.

The ships now in Earth's orbit were given the go-ahead to return to First Reach and to help clean up the mess.

In order for Raver's Group to enter Red Entaries they would need help from the CEO. Raver wanted to be paid by him, but not if she had to risk her life again, but if she had to, she would for her Pirates.

The group landed soundlessly by its thrusters which let the ship land vertically.

They were not able to tell who this tall space-suited person was standing outside of the airlock door next to the docking bay.

The person was blocking the entrance, they had no choice but to confront this person.

Sholla went first as the other Buccaneers jogged behind her, she was fast.

By his voice he sounded familiar. It was Mr. Rahden Sr. and he wasn't pleased until he saw Michael and Sonya both alive. He handed Raver two suitcases of dia. One for Mike and Alabaster's safe return and the other in advance of a new job, a duty Michael's father had yet to reveal.

The CEO could almost smile, then he did while he hugged both of them who were holding hands as if in love. They smiled back to their new and old father.

Time was short. The new family was suspected to be in Raver's Group.

After they made it through the airlock, time was sparse. They didn't have time to remove their spacesuits, Raver would say, as the CEO told her about the new job, they were to protect the family from Logan and his soldiers with the FBI agents.

With soldier space suits on they had a disguise to help their first objective and that was to reach the middle of the dome. This was the first and only city of Red Entaries.

The march was on. The CEO led the Pirates and inmates, who were also Swashbucklers, to a group of hover rovers.

The white vehicles made their way, hastily, to the city as on-lookers wondered what was going on.

Wearing a space suit wasn't necessary in an oxygen filled dome.

As the rovers made their way, they would have trouble seeing since it was daybreak, however; their space helmets protected them from sun glare.

Everyone appeared to be inside the city, except there were workers, working at the green houses collecting large fruits and vegetables, and by their size they looked to be genetically enhanced, as the rovers silenced the workers, they didn't change their calm stance. They seemed to think they were safe.

When the Bandits came out of their hover rovers they were ambushed and thought they were going to die, but a moment later they revealed they were poor people, begging for dia in the shadow of the modern-looking palace.

Most of them looked old and said they were retired robot builders, plumbers, and janitors. They had nowhere else to turn, to beg, so they could feed their families. This area was known as the Slums.

Raver threw some dia at the street bums andlaughed at them. She just wanted to see a bank so her gold would be safe and ather disposal, on Earth, Mars, and the Moon.

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