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Michael Rahden Jr. took off his mask to pretend to be a soldier and was on the Hollowed Eagle as Sonya Alabaster entered the airlock.

Sonya was very hungry, so she went to the eating lounge deck. She was too busy talking to hear the jerk soldier and Michael wasn't pleased to make out his words. While eating at the table Rahden Jr. entered the lounge and overheard the soldiers talking about Sonya's ill anger.

Mike stood up for Sonya because deep down he knew he loved her.

"You guys better watch out for Sonya, she's on a mean streak. I mean you should have seen her rage, phew, that's one hard muffin."

"Hey, watch your mouth!" Rahden Jr. stood up strong, forgetting to put down his Moonlit, splashing it as he finished...

Sonya's face turned red as he caught her attention.

She got up between both tables. "Now calm down." She stretched an arm to each side.

"Ha, you're whipped!" One of the soldiers giggled pointing toward Michael.

That's it! Sonya faced the soldier and his friends. In defending Mike, she gave it to them. "I've got a special dessert for all of you," she pointed to the soldiers table.

The soldiers retorted, "what did we do? We're just discussing..."

"Now all of you to deck eight, I'll have you eating dumbbells till your arms fall you too Rahden."

Everyone left the ship except for Michael and Sonya. "We have to get off this ship, the Hollowed Eagle, before it crashes into the Moon. Admiral Logan said," Rahden Jr. spoke. The Admiral and the rest of the people had to evacuate off the Moon."

"I know, people could die in First Reach when the ship crashes, because of that Pirate named Raver." Sonya said.

"Mike," she sighed sweetly, "you can sit here." He blushed. "I'm surprised the soldiers let you aboard," she covered her quiet laugh as if coughing.

Michael thought she and the soldiers must not know I joined Raver's Group, the Space Pirates. Yet. Or do they?

"That must have been some weapon." She said.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Michael T. Rahden Jr.," he said, "reaching out his hand as Sonya Alabaster gently shook it while her other hand was aloofly under her chin and elbow firmly placed at the table.

Rahden saw a nice place in his heart as he leaned back with the Moonlit in his hand. "That was a gift from my father, that gun." He raised the brow below his now crunched forehead, gesturing to his chest with a thumb. His blond-wavy-hair combed to the side shook.

"The first time he ever supported my idea of joining something besides being the CEO of Red Entaries."

Sonya felt a bland reproach as Mike was making this conversation personal. She looked nervous for a moment then gave a command to leave the ship. Sonya's nostrils flared and brow tightened as she looked across the table watching Michael happily picking at his tray.

Rahden's posture suddenly straightened as he dropped his utensil and saluted. "Yes, Mam," he said, "I'll do as ordered and get off this ship immediately. It was nice meeting you Sonya." He spoke and removed his salute after she removed her's, dignifying her as his superior in rank.

Sonya and Michael made it to the last spaceship. It was bigger than the other shuttles and it belonged to Sonya, her personal ship.

As the Hollowed Eagle entered past the Moon's orbit, it started shaking immensely. They didn't have much time left...Mike hugged the beautiful albino in her arms and, he wished, white hair surrounding him.

He was aroused, and with that he winked at her and grinned, not resisting anymore.

Sonya reciprocated, "ewe, cut it out, where's your manners soldier!" She was shocked as she quickly backed off, that's when oxygen poured through the air. It appeared as smokey-genie tails through vents until the docking bay was secured with air.

Miss Alabaster started an argument as the air-lock door slid robotically open revealing an array of space suits mounted on both metallic walls.

"Michael," she began taking off her helmet, unlocking both latches on her neck. Once it was removed Sonya's voice returned to normal revealing a silky mop of white hair now flowing over her shoulders.

"You know, you could have killed yourself, there was little air in the docking bay deck when you attempted to remove your headgear." She made him feel unsettled, as he rolled over to get up, he was lost for words, not knowing what his punishment was.

"I should demote, then, suspend you from duty..." She crossed-snapped her arms.

Rahden Jr. stood up, eyeing the mounted weapons. He leaned back against the wall while carbon dioxide was visible breath. "But it was a mistake—I was dying in that suit. My oxygen tank was know."

Sonya muttered, "if you disobey me like that again..." She shook her head, "you'll never be in my squad, period!"

Rahden and Sonya decided they would both fly to Red Entaries where they lived, and Michael wondered what his friend Trevor Trahern would do before the Hollowed Eagle crashed into the Moon.

Rahden decided to sleep on his bunk in the spaceship until they landed at Red Entaries on Mars, but instead he was disrupted by his own thoughts. So, he couldn't fall asleep. Michael got up and looked out of his porthole. He saw metallic figures on the Moon as they flew away, spread out the size of small pins, scattered remnants of the now cratered Hollowed Eagle that once was epic.

The Moon rovers, cyborgs, and specialized spaceships searched the crash site for any survivors.

Mike's heavy eyes were suddenly alert with a sudden thud in the ship's structure. His curiosity peaked, wanting to know what was going on around him. Apparently, Sonya was piloting near space rocks, and some hit the hull, and Rahden knew how to pilot the bird better than her, or did he?

Miss Alabaster watched in disbelief as Michael thrashed the now idle spaceship; in an attempt to steady it around the rocks in space.

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