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"Okay, I promise, no more killing, right Raver?"


The sisters and Sholla all hugged in unison.

"What's next?" Raver said while putting a new battery in her arm. "Enough of this peaceful garbage guys!"

"I have a backup plan in case we need it. We need to find a clothing shop and a hairdresser. C'mon, let's go," she waved at them, and they came.

Sholla and the Harbinger used their coms to call their men, telling them to wait in the spaceship for them, and they acknowledged it.

Lorena giggled and laughed," this must be a ladies night out!"

Miss Raver and the Red Viper sighed angrily at Lorena's behavior, but at least she seems to be into it.

"This isn't for fun Lorena," Joanna said while Raver nodded.

"Wow—you guys need to lighten up, sheez." Lorena said then smiled, not letting up.

It was the night shift and machine men and women were going to their masters.

The Red Viper asked questions until one of the robots gave her an answer.

"Head to Central Station and buy a bus schedule with tickets." The answer was brief but sufficient.

Joanna smiled in agreement, "If any of these bus rides are like Earth's, the last stop should be Central Station."

The three friends hugged each other and went to the nearest bus stop. They had no idea how long the wait would be.

After a twenty-minute wait, the hover bus finally showed itself.

Before the girls could get on, they had to wait for some passengers to get off.

When it was the ladies' turn to get on, there was a rare smile by Raver, and they all felt they were a party.

"I'll pay," Miss Sholla said as she slipped in her dia card. "Three to Central Station," she said again.

"Have a seat girls, we'll be coming right up to Central Station."

As the women took their seats, they noticed the passengers from women to men and children. There were some machines too that seemed to be security.

There's some news I need to tell you my sister Lorena. Raver nodded in agreement as if she knew what she was going to say.

"," Joanne almost stuttered as she noticed the night sky on Mars while she oddly looked away then she looked back at Lorena.

"Me and Raver love each other."

"Oh, like friends, or more?"

"More..." The Harbinger smiled, and she leaned over Lorena to lip-smack with Raver Sholla.

"I was straight until I met her."

"Me too," Raver said.

"Oh," Lorena said. "You guys must make a good team," Lorena spoke again. "You know, just like me and Joanna when we were Street Slugs.

"But now there's three of us," Raver said, "can we even make a better team?"

"Yes, yes and yes!" They all agreed.

Suddenly the hover bus stopped at Central Station, and everyone got off after it touched-down on the pavement.

There were lines of people waiting for their next trip while cyborg guards watched.

Humans and machines were entering Central Station for: schedules, snacks, drinks, oil-tweaks for the robots and bathroom breaks to freshen up the people.

Apparently, there were wanted posters for Raver and the Harbinger. Their mass killings at the first floor of the palace was recorded by a tipper. He gave the video to the police who were protecting the Red Entaries City.

Central Station was not the best place for the trio to be at, but they still managed to buy some hoodies with long sleeves.

They were safe for the moment until they purchased a bus schedule.

After the robot behind the counter scanned their faces, it immediately notified the cyborg guard and police.

They ran.

It took them fifteen-yards to get the right bus number, nine.

They quickly swiped the dia card and pulled out their weapons.

All three girls knew how to drive, so they let Lorena do it. She had the weakest gun.

The other two held the people hostage and they threw out the robot driver. Raver Sholla then destroyed it with her arm gun.

The witnesses were the only ones on the bus while a robot was at the counter.

"You might want to cancel this plan of yours, Joanna," Lorena said. "We should just head back to the spaceship."

The hover bus kept going faster and faster as Lorena tried to hand the Harbinger the schedule, she took it and found what she was looking for.

"Let's head to the salon on Park Street. Then to the Parker May clothing store at Dug, got it?" She gave the schedule back to Lorena and started a search for Park Street.

She found Park but it was on the other side of the block.

She shifted the gear to fly, then suddenly, the engine pushed them into the sky. They flew over buildings until they reached the other side, they lost the pursuers.

"Alright Lorena Brown, this is the parlor. Take a seat and we're getting matching afros.

Next, the three of them walked to Dug Street where they found matching clothing and sizes. They liked the outfits and put them on.

Raver liked changing clothes and getting the perm, but she also was thinking about the hostages, to make them Pirates, she would pay them.

They escaped.

"How about we go dancing girls?"

Sholla said, "yes. But after, we must get back to the spaceship before we're caught and arrested. We have to get out of Red Entaries!"

Both Joanna and Lorena agreed.

"Yes, let's get out of here."

"We must."

The ladies had a short night out but they went dancing at a club. It was until morning, then they flew the bus back on top of the palace, where there was plenty of room for landing.

The Bandits and Mob were arguing when the women got back about who makes more money: A Street Slug or freebooter? but everyone refused to answer that question.

Raver, the Harbinger, and the secretary calmed everyone down and separated them into two groups while warning them to make them cooperate.

The Gangsters took the spacecraft which had more room than the bus, since there were more Mobster members than Buccaneers.

Raver's Group took the bus, and they weresatisfied with it. The bus was now called Moon Bus because that is where theyare headed.

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