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Upon entering Staten Island, Joanna looked for an opportunity to hijack a vehicle while Trevor regretfully dumped his hover motorcycle into the Hudson River. They decided to meet at the park between New York Avenue and School Road after these deeds were done, but they had other things on their minds as well.

Joanne decided if they were to fool the police on their return visit into Brooklyn, they would need some snazzy clothes. Trev on the other hand had a mind for food. He planned to surprise her with something gourmet, but he wasn't sure what she would like, so he bought her appetizers, lunch, dessert, and snacks, and surely not without napkins, silverware, bibs and light units.

By the time Trahern got back to the marked picnic table he was famished. Trevor looked across the grassy knolls the size of a golf course but there were no sand pits, water traps, or throngs. Wishing he had a golf cart or caddy to help him carry out this buffet of delicacies; but alas, Joanna wasn't here yet, so he had time to fix the table. As he sat down and let his tired arms take a rest, inhaling deeply, he realized he may have incidentally set himself up into a one-night stand and wondered what Lorena would think of this.

"Uh," Trevor said in frustration, smacking his palm against his forehead. Lorena's going to kick my behind, you beef head. What did you do? She's like a rose in a garden, she won't be impressed by all this food and snippets. She needs real care and love."

...Several minutes later, twenty-five to be exact, Trev looked towards the grassy down five feet from the table and knew it was set perfectly, but he still had an uneasy feeling. "...Oh no I forgot the bibs..."

"Forgot what?" Joanna looked confused, not knowing what to think.

"Oh, I don't know." Trahern shrugged behind the stacks of food.

"Why did you buy all this food Trevor, who's it for?"

"Oh...I don't know what I'm doing anymore," he got up to face her and handed her a napkin, "I guess I'm asking you out on a romantic evening Lorena."

Trevor saw Joanna light up a light unit he bought as she hid two shopping bags behind her back. The ends of the bags could be seen behind her pricey short dress and parlor hair, even a custom fashion with unique designs, possibly top of the line. It must have been a curling salon.

Jo sat down in what seemed to be a suppression of emotion looking directly at the table to start eating but she couldn't help laughing with two meatballs, chopsticks, and a fork full of noodles in her mouth.

"...I don't know what I'm doing either Trevor..."

"Tomorrow's my big day," he said, while eating chicken and ribs. "The Solar Space Fleet bought Lunar Life Corp, and now, I have even more wages to buy the asteroid lot I've been hoping for, and to start my new corporation soon, it will be the biggest day of my life, I've been waiting for this moment since I was a little boy and it's tomorrow. I'm stoked!"

"What do you think Lorena?" Trev's eyes were like sparkling firecrackers as he held her hands.

"That's some dream you have there," Joanne said, and thought, this guy is going to get a reality check soon and find out why the other companies on the bidding list dropped out, but I'm in love, I better get this guy out my hair, sleep with him, then blackmail him before it's too late or Mugg will have us both.

"You know," Joanna said as she looked faint as a ghost, then her eyes warmed Trevor like the fourth of July. She smiled and spoke softly. "I feel like kissing, would you like to?"

Trahern's face said it all, that he was still a virgin, but she still wanted to pressure him.

"There are some other things I need to tell you first, Lorena. I'm in love," he said with an uncontrollable smile.

"I've been seeing another girl, Laura Rains, the lead actress from that new romance movie coming out soon called Nerve to Love. And some strange happenings have been going on..." He breathed into a deep inhale as a newfound trust was found between himself and Joanna, then he exhaled to finish the sentence.

"My butler Eddy, I don't think you know him well Lorena, but I believe he had a prophecy."

"I'm listening," Joanne said and discretely used a napkin, "go on."

"Let me tell you, it's awful, it happens during a cargo shipment when it's supposed to rain just like tomorrow...freaky huh?"

"That's good, let it all out, I'm here," Joanna comforted him.

"Okay...thank you," Trevor said as she rubbed his hand to indicate a bonding moment.

"Um, I can't concentrate," Trevor said then Joanne smiled.

"Well, after the cargo is successfully delivered then everything falls apart, skipped to the end and then I'm killed. Then about you Lorena, Ed says you could be the one who is behind the whole thing, but, I think it's foolish since you've always been loyal to me," and Trevor thought, not to mention I've fallen for you.

"So Lorena, do you think I should make tomorrow a no work day? And should I call off my date with Laura Rains?"

"Do what you think is best," Jo said, evenly pleased.

The two stared at each other intently as if they couldn't control their emotions any longer. Trevor carefully started to remove food from the table while Joanna threw the rest off in large heaps as if she wanted him to ravish her, but Trev made-out with her instead of going further...after they were done, she showed him the suit she had in her two bags, it was white as its bright tie with a pink undershirt, black bandanna, spurred boots and tinted sunglasses.

"You got to be kidding me, I'm not wearing this."

"Yes, you will," she said with a nod, as she wiped their single tears, but one tear wasn't a tear of joy.

"Listen Lorena, I'll let the Lunar Life Corp spaceship launch tomorrow." Trev looked into her eyes as if nothing else mattered except for what he was about to say. Jo interrupted Trevor's speech. She talked in a louder, more primal voice. He didn't understand.

"No, I'm not going to the launch with you, you'll never see me again," her walking became a run as she sought solace somewhere far, far away. Joanna thought I failed in my mission of sleeping with Trevor to blackmail him. It became too personal for me, not to mention I might eventually break his heart, now Mugg's going to pummel me to death like a no-good Street Slug, but at least Trevor won't be killed. I can't let Edward's prophecy come true.

Trevor took a hover taxi to his penthouse and browsed through the free web linked with the back seat, the auction interface said another bidder dropped out.

"This is getting intense, if not strange," Trev said to himself excitedly. "I could win at this rate. Two more bidders to go...

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