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The vehicle bay was now a full armory of newly made hover machines, including Aircraft, and tanks, even the mechanics and technicians made hover bikes, and armed rovers.

Who is better to drive these machines than the ones who made them?

So now these workers are also new recruits.

My dia's in the bank, Raver thought, as she heard the fireworks.

She quickly opened the porthole in her apartment, she could see into Red Entaries.

She noticed a gathering of soldiers in green smocks.

My dia might be taken from the Mob if they steal it, but I can't be sure, I need to get down there to get my gold. I have to wait until those soldiers move out, so they can't catch me and my Bandits.

After the soldiers got into vehicles at the barracks, Sholla went down from her apartment and sneaked into the docking bay.

She took a risk if there were soldiers there, but at the entrance there was.

Raver cold-cocked them while her Pirates were told to secure a large emerald-colored spaceship, however; they didn't need to cause a ruckus.

The mechanics and technicians were still taking orders from the CEO, so Sholla was allowed to have a vehicle for now, they didn't know that the CEO was a criminal, but eventually they would know.

The Pirates found an armed spaceship, and quickly ran up its ramp, and flew into Red Entaries from the bay.

Raver let Michael and Sonya pilot it while Sholla turned on the aerial-sound mechanism that Bob Visser told her about.

The Buccaneers could now hear the soldiers on the ground, and they listened to Logan yelling to stop the spaceship, since it took off earlier than it was supposed to.

It caused confusion in the ranks. The spaceships were only a last resort, if they needed to bomb the city, but Luke was unable to stop it, and he wondered why the people in the docking bay refused his order.

Luke Logan called Bob on his com, and he was astounded. He thought, that's where Raver and the CEO were, in the apartments!

Logan sent soldiers to arrest the CEO with his son and Sonya, while he updated Visser in the docking bay.

He told him the Rahden family were with the Pirates, that they were criminals, and they should never let them use vehicles in the docking bay.

As Rahden Sr. was arrested, he wouldn't tell the Admiral where his son and the freebooters were, but Bob did. He told them they went to where the Mob was, in the city. That's all he knew. He wouldn't listen to the CEO's orders again.

Immediately, Rahden Sr. was put into jail at the nearest barrack. He was asked more questions, but he wouldn't speak. He wanted a lawyer, and in one week, he would stand trial.


The Red Viper Joanna was surprised, she only saw one army spaceship land on the space-pad next to the palace. She wanted to question them. And she told the Mobsters to not destroy the spacecraft, but it could be used on the soldiers as a strike attack.

Immediately after the Pirates heard the Harbinger talking, they came down the lowered ramp with their hands up, with no guns except for Raver's arm gun.

The Swashbucklers knew it was safe, especially, when they let a familiar face come down first, Michael and he was told what to say: "Don't shoot, don't shoot me," Rahden Jr. spoke in desperation.

"You remember me, right? I was one of Trevor's friends, a miner, remember Joanne?"

"Yes, I do," she said.

"I'm with Raver's Group now, and we mean you no harm, just let us get to Raver's dia at the bank, and we'll get out of your hair."

"Who's Raver?"

"That would be me," she said as she was the last one down. "And I see you like our spaceship, it's yours if we become allies."

"You see, I just want my gold in the bank. Then I'm gone."

As the Bandits and the Mob made a circle around their leaders, Raver and Joanna, they kissed.

"I think I know what both of us want," the Harbinger said, as they finished the thirty-second kiss.

"Yes, I agree," Raver said.

"We would be a better team than me and my Sis' were," she smiled tantalizingly.

As they echoed each other's thoughts, Raver Sholla told her valuable information about Logan and his plans.

Miss Sholla looked out on the space-pad's balcony as the Red Viper hugged her with one arm in evil-glee.

They both thought about how bad and naughty they could be together.

"There's too many of them," Raver said. "I saw at least ten platoons and in their docking bay, where we got the spaceship from, there were many army vehicles."

"We don't stand a chance," they said together in agreement.

"I think our only chance is to bomb them with their own spaceship, then escape with our own lives, if possible."

"Yes...yes," they both nodded in unison."

They agreed they might need to take hostages, but it might be to capture the Mayor and, especially, the Governor.

There was a calm feeling before the battle, and it's plunge, as they spoke to each other.

"I never knew I was a lesbian, until now," Sholla said.

"It's the same for me, and love at first sight. I think we're soul mates." Joanna said, as the Mob and Pirates realized they're now allies.

"About my dia in the bank..."

"Don't worry about it, I'll pay you, I have plenty of Street Slugs that made me rich, by selling guns to the civilians."

"We'll split it fifty-fifty, what say you?"

"Yes, my love, I'll take it, and besides, it may be guarded heavily with warbots, anyway."

"With my laser pick and arm gun, I'm afraid of no machine."

"Don't forget about my Red Viper handgun, and my accuracy, and me and my Gangsters have plenty of backup batteries, what do you say, Raver?"

"Yes, let's make our descent into the palace, and let us forget about the Love Bug that me and my syndicate used to get up here with, including grappling hooks we used to take the roof."

So, with the Mob and Buccaneers being on alert they were told to stay and watch over the balcony for the soldiers and FBI. They would remain in contact with coms until their bosses Raver Sholla and Joanna Brown came back.

As the evil Bosses looked for a way down, they were told by their troops that civilians were running from the Red Entaries City, with police guards for protection.

Raver said on her com: "If you see the Mayor or Governor run out, you let us know, see!"

"Yes, of-course—Miss Sholla."

This happened while Joanne found a barred door to the lower levels. She told Raver she needs her laser pick.

Joanna first looked through the porthole glass to see it wasn't guarded, then she used the pick on the sliding door.

She had to go through three-inches of steel, then Raver kicked the charred door open. Success.

There were long halls with elevators, and manydoors, some open, some closed.

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