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Trevor was glad he and his bunk-buddy didn't have to fight in a war, they had family ties to deal with, but first they wanted to talk with Logan.

"Luke, is it safe now? I would like to see the city, and where I'm going to be married at, you know, the church. I would like to meet the minister." Trevor said.

"Yes, it's safe. I'm certain the Mob and Pirates left, but you might not want to go near the palace, the first floor is full of dead bodies."

"Okay, I won't."

"Everyone head back to the barracks in platoon squads, there will be no battle, sorry to disappoint you."

The Admiral chuckled in happiness.

The soldiers listened to Logan and did what he said, however; they applauded then formed the squads.

Trevor was going to be a miner, working for himself with Eddy and Tyrone. They all felt peace as they searched the city sector for a place to buy wedding rings and for engagement apparel with diamonds that were now not expensive because of the mining at asteroid Dakrin.

After Trev bought a diamond engagement ring, he had dia left, but he still needed more, so he went back to being a soldier for the gold was good and it was easier than mining. He had no tools.

Trevor met the Pastor, Teddy Gombert. He told him among the—stained-glass windows at daytime, this is where he wants to be married to Laura. "A bit pricey," he told Teddy, "maybe Rains can pay for it."

After a long walk, they went to the Inn at the Red Entaries City.

They took a few swigs of Moonlit until they were drunk because Trev knew it would be the last time, he was single.

Now intoxicated, they slept for ten hours then took a hover taxi back to the barracks, where Trevor said goodbye until next time.

Trahern needed dia for two wedding bands and clothing for the wedding, and to mention, many guests.

He wondered if an ensign, like himself, could get a better rank and job than the latrines.

Logan posted work for different ranks at the barracks. He told Trevor about it because soon he would have to let him go. He was too old to be a soldier in the army, even with his cybernetic augments.

As Trevor was looking through the jobs, he found one that he liked, apparently; the lions have been starving and dying, they looked scarce and now are to be placed in the Red Entaries City Zoo.

This job would be enough to pay his expenses before he must retire as a soldier.

Tyrone, Ed, and Tom came with him since they would be paid well for their involvement.

They each looked for equipment they wanted for the task. Trev took the scout gear because he had enhancements that suited him for recon.

Ty took the assault pack for bandages and wounds, plus it had a weapon he liked, a laser rifle.

Edward and Trevor's friend Tom each grabbed the support gear to carry the: food, ammo, and the laser machine guns with tranquilizer darts for recon.

"I have a hover rover ready for you guys with a trailer-cage hovering if you're doing that ensign job right?"

Luke opened the trunk. "I'll open this for you, throw in your gear, and good luck!"

"I got the steering wheel," said Trevor, "let's go and wave bye." So he did and smiled.

The ensign platoon flew off, hovering with its thrusters.

"Alright guys, that was about twenty-minutes," Trev said. "We're now in lion territory according to the GPS on my com."

"Let's get out and grab our gear," said Mr. Trahern. "I'll be needing those darts, Ed."

Trahern took some darts and food and placed them in his pack. Every backpack contained bottled water.

Trevor suddenly ran off. "I'll let you guys know if I need any help."

"Wow! He's fast with those cybernetic legs," Eddy Eliot said.

Tyrone spoke grimly: "He should be much higher in rank than an ensign scout."

"If we complete this duty, we will all be higher in rank, and not to mention, paid well." Elizer said.

"Here's a nice spot next to this giant rock." Trahern said. He took out his sniper rifle and loaded a single dart.

It sounded like a silencer when it hit the lion's mane. He loaded another dart and then shot the lion's mate.

Trev spoke into his com, "alright, that's two down," he took a drink of his cold water.

"Okay Trahern," Ed said on his com. "We're packed-up and ready to go, see you in a few."

"They better get here before the vultures and hyenas eat them, we need to clear it out!" Trevor yelled with his voice, to himself.

"Alright, it's time for you guys to do your jobs." Trev said affirmatively. "Me? I'm taking a rest, I'm not young like I used to be."

Trevor saw the bright sun rays as he restfully got into the rover.

Eddy and Tom set their machine gun blasters on the near-by boulders as the glare tried to penetrate their sunspecs.

They started to fire the laser guns.

"That's two hyenas down, seven more to go," Tyrone said. "Give me cover fire while I rush them with my assault blaster. I'll clear the area."

When Trev came out of the rover, he saw it was safe, so he notified his comrades with his com.

"I'll drive the rover to you guys, and I'll get the stretchers out for the lions. "Here we go!" Trevor said, as he and Edward unfolded the white medical beds.

Mr. Trahern shooed away the vultures as Elizer and Ty worked together to lift the sleepy, and heavy creatures.

"That's the spirit—" Trev said, as the lions were now in the trailer-cage.

The platoon got in the rover and drove back to the barracks where they would rest after talking to Logan.

Luke rewarded them each with three-thousand in dia. Each of them went up in rank, which would give them a new job, besides, no more latrine work.

Trevor's last job would be to save the Governor.


"Trev, to tell you the truth," Laura saw the beasts taken to the city zoo, as planned.

"I didn't know you would be at Red Entaries, you see, I'm an actor, as you know, and I'm doing a film here about the zoo, that's the second reason why the lions are here, and thank you for bringing them."

"Laura, I understand," Trahern said, as he got on one knee.

"Oh, Trevor," Laura peeked through her fingers as he proposed.

"Will you marry me?"

"Oh, yes, Trev, I will." She put on the diamond engagement ring. It fits.

"I would love to see you act, but I need to save the Governor, and no one knows where he is. Me and my platoon must be off."

"Okay, bye, Trevor. Love-you." She blew a kiss.

"Bye, Laura, my love..." He blew a kiss back.

As Trev was about to leave, Logan grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

"I should be your platoon leader, Mr. Trahern, after-all, my com is also a tracking device, and that army spaceship couldn't have gotten very far, my friend," Logan said, passionately.

"I agree, friend," Trevor said, quickly in return.

He watched Laura leave for the city zoo, his soon to be married wife, he was pleased.

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