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The video camera outside showed one of Trevor's miners arriving at his new moon house. As Trev heard his doorbell ringing he opened the airlock and it created a vacuum until all the oxygen was out. Once Michael Rahden stepped inside the airlock, the door was locked behind him, and oxygen filled the small room.

Rahden took off his space suit as Trevor opened the door, he placed the suit in one of the airlock lockers, immediately he shook Rahden's hand, and said, "did you get any more today?"

"Yes, we sure did, Sir, as usual. But can you believe it? Another lot for auction, even on Dakrin Trev!" Mike said.

"Yes, I know it's hard to believe," Trevor said

"Are you going to try and buy this one too?" Rahden said.

"Yes," he responded.

"Wow, that's remarkable, Sir," he said.

"I have some more great news Michael, my family and friends might visit me from Earth," Trevor said, "I can't wait for you to meet them."

"Me too," Rahden said.

"I can't wait to see my sister," Joanna said. "And I have some more great news, I'm going to be a FBI agent again, but, here on the Moon."

"Wow, that's awesome," Mike said, "have good luck with that Joanne."

"Do you have any more news, Joanna?" Rahden said while she rubbed her belly and Trevor nodded, looking at her.

"Yes, in-fact I do guys...I'm one month pregnant," she said.

"Congratulations you two," Michael said, hooray! What do you want to name your new child?"

"Well if it's a boy," Trevor said, "I want to name him after you Michael Rahden."

"Wow, I'm so stoked," Rahden said, "that is such an honor. But what if it's a girl?"

"If it's a girl," Joanne said, "then I want to name her Clara."

"That's a nice name," Trevor said.

"Yes, I agree," Mike said and Joanna confirmed it with a nod.

"Well, I just came over to say hi and pick up my paycheck," Rahden said. As he opened his hand he received his check, and he was off to visit his father on Mars.

"Bye guys, I'll see you later. Oh, and one last thing, it's my birthday today, I'll be twenty nine."

"Happy birthday man," Joanna and Trevor both said as Michael entered the airlock and the door automatically closed behind him.

"Thanks," he squealed as if he were in a hurry.

"You're welcome."

Jo and Trev kissed for a long ten seconds as they felt closer together now that they were pregnant. Then they both went and did their separate things.

Joanne took the Love Bug and drove it to the FBI office on the Moon while Trahern made a series of long distance com calls to Earth calling his friends and family (at an all-expense paid) to a trip to the Moon.

He was disappointed to see that not everyone wanted to live on the Moon, only a select few would come, and they are: Eddy, Tyrone with his family, Lorena, and Trevor's parents. The Moon houses are ready for them, and they will arrive soon.

Time went by and Joanna made it to the FBI headquarters.

She was reinstated as an agent immediately for her excellent work history. Her new job is to end the violent prostitution ring on Mars.

It was even worse than First Reach, the Admiral would complain.

Joanne thought, it's a dirty job but someone's got to clean it up, and hopefully the Moon will be cleaned up too, or maybe that will be my next job.

Joanna told Trevor over the com all that happened, and that she was to leave for Mars immediately, so they said their goodbyes.

As two days passed, Trev's friends and family arrived on separate spaceships, and upon their arrival Trevor shook each of their hands and showed them to their Moon houses.

They were happy to find their expenses were paid for this month until Christmas by Trevor.

He said, "if you want to stay here longer, you can, but you have to pay for it yourselves.

One way you can do this is to find work here on the Moon.

Some of the group decided they would return to Earth after Christmas, they were Trev's parents, and they still would visit Trahern on special occasions, or they would just pop-up, as they felt like it.

Ty wanted to be Trevor's bodyguard again. Lorena wanted to be his secretary once more, and Edward wanted to be his butler, twice now. Trev wanted the same thing; except he wanted his parents to stay.

There was no hurry to find work as their expenses were paid for, but Trevor didn't want to wait, so he asked them.

After Trahern's friends and family were settled in their Moon houses, Trevor called them, one-by-one, starting with Tyrone.

"Ty's here, who is this, may I ask?" He said.

"It's Trevor again," he said brightly. "Do you want to be my bodyguard once more?"

"Of course, I do," Tyrone said with a hidden smile. "So when can I start?"

"Right now," Trev said happily and refreshed.

"Okay, I'll be right over," Ty said quickly then left.

Next, Trevor called Lorena with his com. "Would you like to be my secretary once again?" Trev said.

"I sure would," Lorena Brown said excitedly. "So, then I get to see my sister-twin again?"

"You sure will," Trevor said evenly. "But I'm sorry Lorena, Joanna went to Mars on FBI work."

"That's okay Trahern," Lorena said. She was still excited. "I'm sure I'll see her when she comes back. Thanks."

Then Trevor called Eddy. He spoke cautiously for he didn't want

his old friend to have a heart attack in all this excitement.

"Ed, you there buddy?"

"Yes, I am sure here," Eddy coughed.

"Well pal, I have a job for you, it's yours if you want it." Trev spoke as if he was sure he would take the job.

"What is the job, Trevor?" Eliot said.

"How would you like to be my butler again?" he said.

"Oh, I would love to," Eddy said. "I'll be right over old friend." He deactivated his com.

Now Trev called his parents, but they didn't want work because Trevor's mom liked her job on Earth, so his folks decided to leave for Earth after Christmas as they said before.

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