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Trevor began to walk closely...first he thought, why am I so nervous?...It's those eyes...they're so pretty, but why would she walk into an emergency landing zone? I could fire her for this.

Jo thought, wow, I never imagined he would be so young for his age and such a hunk, too bad I'm going to blackmail him.

"But you didn't get far did you? You'll have to tell me the reason my guard let you pass, and not return my smile with a frown." Trahern's hand was smacked from Joanna's chin then she re-crossed her arms.

"There's no need to test me, I found your car...with this!" Trev reached aside, taking what was handed to him, unfolding a foot squared map of his complex and an unusual jacket, Shanghai made. "I also have your suspicious behavior caught on tape—Lorena Brown." Trevor's voice rose in anger when she smiled. "Are you a protester to take me down like the bomb threat to blow up my corporate spaceship? Speak up!"

"I'll have no audience with vulgar language, I'm an employee..." Joanne walked off his desperate anger heading towards the exit.

"Lorena, if you leave, you're fired!" Trevor said, with rage as a blowing tempest.

Cliff emerged uninvited as the slick-haired officer handed Jo over to police to read her rights. Then breaking through the throng, Clifford caused a cacophony to save her.

"Cor Blake leave her be! She's not your lass, leave her be! He has no care except when puffin' away at his cigar. At a time he took bribes to not beat daft trespassers, I know fellows of the security force witnessed this also." Nevertheless the police seized Joanna in custody. Although Cliff wrestled her free.

"Speak, I'll help you." Clayworth whispered.

"Job's secretary," Joanne had a flick of time, colliding into Trahern's bodyguard, then being thronged to find no aid. Blake ran, drawing his weapon targeting Cliff. The police officers did likewise.

Clifford grimaced as Jo fell. Cliff was physically unable to free her from custody. "Blokes, leave her be," Clayworth tried to squirm out as they seized her, "arrest her not!"

"Tyrone," chairman Trevor Trahern directed his bodyguard. The tallest man in the room pulled Cliff aside for questioning. "Clifford Clayworth," Trev spoke as Ty quieted the room. "I have more to see of you, never you've acted this rashly my old friend, how has this affair brought you in such a way?"

"She's a secretary," Cliff said to a familiar face, "she's no trespasser, can't you see so? Not one of those protesters."

"Mr. Clayworth, do you really know her?" Blake spoke harshly, "are you not a fool for a pretty woman? You're right about one thing, old man—a trespasser she's not—but..." He spoke vehemently, finishing a cigar, "remove her garments and you'll find a tattoo like the other protesters I caught!"

Some protesters joined the gang as Street Slugs. These protesters were now making ends meet by selling illegal weapons and they wear tattoos for their rank in the Mob. The protesters on Ninety-second Street made a bomb threat on Lunar Life Corp, but no bomb was found in space on the spaceship.

"Tyrone," Trevor spoke, regretfully displeasing Cliff, "remove her garments." Joanne was raised up by two security guards as police made sure no harm was done. Joanna felt shocked, wanting to be elsewhere, but near the center lobby seventy-feet east from the nearest directory. An assortment of restrooms, and before that a curved couch encompassed an artificial palm tree.

As Ty was removing Joanna's garments, he wrestled with Clayworth from behind. The police ended the brawl quickly, and Trev came to end the interrogation himself. The chairman started unzipping Joanna's skirt as she was held but Trevor couldn't do it seeing that it saddened Clifford.

"Listen Cliff," Trahern let Jo go as Blake silently objected: "You were a friend of my retired father and like an uncle to me as a child. If she is really innocent as you say then I believe you pal. Trevor hid his tears, ordering Tyrone to omit Blake, "you're fired, you were always a bully, it's true what Cliff said. I witnessed your bribe taking on more than one occasion. This is your last straw."

Alone sitting upon outside steps, Trevor bowed his head weeping, wiping his tears with Joanna's jacket. "Blake has lost it, he doesn't have enough evidence to prove that my Lorena is a protester, and especially not a trespasser."

The sun was fully out on this windy April morning, not hearing a swooping seagull or the buzzing of an insect, but the sudden zip of a passing delivery hover truck quietly breaking wind. They carried tools and technology that would be shipped to the First Reach colony. Noticing the open paved lot of his complex as tears dried, not caring that the Solar Space Fleet needed this cutting-edge technology. Trev was in mourning and almost in shock about the latest incidents: about how the protesters on Ninety-second Street blamed Lunar Life Corp for losing their jobs, even though companies like Trevor's created a staple workforce for the Moon's economy. And he had to let his best security employee go.

There was a dead bomb, Trevor thought, a bomb on my corporate spaceship, it didn't go off; the astronauts diffused the situation before it would have detonated...I can't believe this happened...although, I'm glad it's finally over. The police drones (small flying machines), by now, have taken over the situation with the protesters on Ninety-second Street.

Security head to their posts. Blake was furiously thinking about becoming a vigilante, to arrest Joanna while she, Cliff, and Ty were followed by two police officers. Entering down the naked porch the trio came with greetings. Greeting them at the bottom stair, Trevor Trahern folded back his cloak, shaking their hands. "I must apologize guys, especially to you Lorena and my dear friend Cliff; not forgetting you either Tyrone, thank you. The foursome saw the police officers walk by after nodding once and offering concern, then they reported the incident in their respected vehicle.

"Yes, sorry about before," Joanne smiled gently, "I should've spoken up. But thanks for not searching under my garments." Joanna made it to the bottom waiting for Clifford.

"You're welcome," Trevor said.

Ty came last as he nodded at Trev.

"Cliff, I should've realized you told the truth sooner." Trevor patted his old friend's shoulder. "It was Blake...that ruffian should've been fired long ago."

"I can always rely on you," Cliff reassured Trevor, standing two steps ahead of him.

"Clayworth, remember the times of old?" Trev said smilingly. "When we went fishing with my father, sport fencing, and visited the Conway castle of Wales?" Trevor saw Cliff come down then hold Joanna's hand as he waited for a response. Trevor was jealous.

"Aye," Clifford responded, "you always were energetic when you were young." Cliff and Joanna laughed together, "I couldn't keep up when you went ride-to-ride, the time we visited a carnival.

"I was thirteen or fourteen not sure..." Trevor became surprised, "Are you with Lorena? When did you meet?"

"No, I was actually saving her for you." Cliff spoke warmly as the smaller Joanne's smile was brighter. She blushed.

"So that's why you were protecting her," Trevor said sarcastically, "now I see..." Trahern crossed his arms nervously, "and you're all very welcome to join us for work tomorrow. And Lorena, I'll have you report to the main floor receptionist. Let's clear this issue, and we'll get you back on the payroll soon." Trev laughed shortly. "Until our next meeting," Clifford headed back to work with Joanna at his side as Trevor waved bye.

"Sir..." Tyrone offered Trevor a cigarette but he declined. "Sir, don't let them use you. Cliff and Joanna look happy but they can't be trusted...not after the breakdown of Blake, our security chief.

"You know Ty," Trahern said, "I think things are starting to turn around for me, my love life I mean."

Trevor winked at Tyrone. Trev also noticed onhis com that one bidder dropped out. Trevor was now in second place for theasteroid lot. Things were looking up.

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