Chapter 3: Skylanders Unite! (Part 3: The Rise Of The Portal Master)

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3rd Person

Back at the house, Eruptor is whistling while wearing a chief's hat in the kitchen.

He stopped whistling as he walks to the stove and slammed his fist on it, making the 2 eggs land in his mouth, followed with some butter. He then mushed the ingredients around while puffing his cheeks.

He spits the batter on his pan that is on top of his fist and sets a timer. He uses his magma to cook the batter, making a pancake as the time dings. He flips the steaming pancake by hitting the handle to a tall stack of them on his right with a smile on his face.

Then he was spooked when Stealth Elf appeared in front Eruptor as he fell on the ground and the pan landed on his head. He glared at his friend and said, "Elf, are you trying to end me?!" Then he realized something. "Wow, now I know how James feels."

"Sorry, Eruptor. Speaking of James, is he back yet? He told me he's going to talk to Master Eon about Spyro."

"Sorry, Elfy, but I haven't seen him since the games."

The two hear the door to the entrance open and James entered the kitchen.

"Hey, cowboy. Any news?" Elf asked, making the human shake his head without his armor on.

"No dice. Eon still won't allow Spyro to retake the test."

"I still can't believe you are Onyx! You are a skilled fighter."

James has a small smile appeared on his face as James said, "Thanks."

"I know Spyro feels bad, but he can't stay up there forever." Elf said.

"Welllll, a couple of months might do some good."

The human and Elf glared as the ninja scoffed at the lava monster and he said, "I'm just saying, maybe this is what it takes for him to finally learn his lesson."

"A never-ending pity party isn't going to help. I'm going to check to see if he's okay." Elf said as she vanished.

James watches Eruptor grabbed the tower of pancakes with a plate, but soon, Elf appeared again and it caused him to jump again and accidentally sent the dish and pancakes to the sky.

James rushed over as he caught the plate. Then he catches thee pancakes with the dish as he moved left and right to catch more cakes with different poses.

When he sighed, he glared at Elf, who chuckled sheepishly.

"Sorry, forgot a pancake." She said as she steals one and teleports away.

The human just sighed as he put the dish down and grabbed one since he missed breakfast as he leaves, but saw the kitchen melt with Eruptor's lava and said, "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!!!"

In Spyro's room, Stealth Elf appeared inside as she looked around for her friend. "Spyro?"

"Up high..." Spyro said, causing the ninja to look up to see the dragon on a railing as he is depressed.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, you know... Wallowing." Spyro said with a sniff.

Elf sits on Spyro's bed and said as she patted a empty spot next to her. "Well, can you wallow your way down here to talk to me for a minute? After that, you can go back to feeling sorry for yourself."

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