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(If you read the news on my announcement book, Sonic Horizons' upcoming chapter "Breakout" is being scrapped. The reason why is because of I couldn't be able to officially complete it. I just couldn't figure out how to continue it.)

(Anyway, Just 3 weeks ago, I had that Rooster Teeth is shutting down. After 21 years, Rooster Teeth is coming to end because Warner Bros. decided to shut them down for profit reasons.)

(I hate big companies cancel incredible shows because they can't make money out of it. I mean why make an incredible series only to shut it down completely but keep the terrible ones? I just hope another company that kind of enough to take in the RWBY series and continue it until it conclusion along with others as well.)


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(Also, I am having a Q&A for all of you so you could wait while I make Unwealcome To The Jungle

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(Also, I am having a Q&A for all of you so you could wait while I make Unwealcome To The Jungle.)

Questions here. ⬅️

(Same rules. 5 questions and the cast will read them. See you all soon.)

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