Chapter 14: The Skylands Are Falling!

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Skylands | Meanwhile | Grand Libary

3rd Person

In the Grand Library, Team Sonic and the Skylander Team look at Eon while the wizard looks at the sky from the balcony.

"Skylanders, your mission today is crucial," Eon said as everyone gears up.

Pop checks his potions, Alivia sharpens her blades, Jet-Vac primed his Vac-Gun, Metal Sonic took out his claws, Eruptor punches his fists, Narti pulled out her blaster while her cat gets on her shoulder, Stealth Elf pulled out and spins her blades, Tails powered up his drones, Spyro fires a flame out of his mouth, and James charges up his powers.

"It is why we rely on a brave, unrelenting team to guard our lands, our people, our very lives as we know them..." Eon turns to them and said, "Protecting my new bronze beard monument!"

James and Tails look at each other as they raised their eyebrows as they find that mission... a bit odd.

James said, "This mission seems a bit off. I mean, I doubt anyone would attack a beard statue."

"Yeah, right." Spyro agrees with his brother as he added, "Who would attack a beard statue."


On an island, Spyro caught 3 ice spears with his mouth as it was aimed at the statue of a beard. He landed next to James as the human said, "I take it back about the attack at that statue!"

When James dashed off, Spyro spits out the spears, "I guess EVERYBODY wants to attack a statue of a beard!"

Stealth Elf jumps high up in the air and cuts a lamp in half when it was thrown at her. Elf blocks an incoming attack as she said, "Seriously, who throws lamps?!"

"They can throw whatever they want!" Spyro said with a cocky grin. "Nothing's gonna get past us!"

Without both hero teams knowing, a turtle with bombs on his back slowly approaches the statue while he hums.

This turtle is Bombshell.

Back to the heroes, Jet-Vac saw 4 ice spears thrown at him, but Jet-Vac uses his Vac-Gun to suck up the arrows and then fired back

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Back to the heroes, Jet-Vac saw 4 ice spears thrown at him, but Jet-Vac uses his Vac-Gun to suck up the arrows and then fired back. He then commented, "This is kinda easy peasy!"

Stealth Elf blocks 2 more objects as she said, "Too easy-peasy! I'm gonna close my eyes to challenge myself." When she did, Elf jumps in the air kicks back a vase and a... Egg?

(Chaos Sonic: Wh... WHAT THE (Beep)?!)

(TheLoneExplorer: Did you just fucking bleep yourself?)

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