S2 Ch9: The Flu And The Hunt

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At The Falling Forest...

3rd Person

"You were a fool to enter the realm of the Arkeyan Robots." An Arkeyan robot said as he then aimed his fist at someone. "And for that, you must pay."

"Your realm?"

We then saw that the robot who was terrorizing was a male Mabu as the creature held his child's hand with his right hand and cotton candy on his left.

"I've been living here for 20 years." The Mabu said, causing the robot to tilt his head. "I'm pretty sure you got lost in the forest, friend."

The machine looked embarrassed as he looked around the forest and then realized the Mabu was right. "Uh... Oh! Huh." The machine said to the 2 as he then looked at them. "You know, you're totally right."

The machine turned to his left and pointed saying, "I took a left at the fairy bush instead of a right. Sorry. Now where was I? Oh, yeah." The Robot aimed one of his half shields at the 2 Mabu with a battle cry.

"Not so fast, machine of menace."

Everyone turned around to see Master Eon approaching them saying, "Leave that Mabu be.."

As the wizard took a fighting stance, the machine turned his body to him and said, "Master Eon! How dare you interfere with my unprovoked attack. You will pay for your foolish insolence!"

"Sorry, but it seems I left my wallet back home." Master Eon cracked a joke.

(Uzi: NO! BOOOO!!!)

(Chaos Sonic: Get off the stage!)

(ShardMaster: This is the worst joke I ever heard. Ranking this as a dad joke. Never do that again.)

The Arkeyan stood there confused as a couple of leaves floated past his face. We can't actually see it, but yeah, he's confused.

Master Eon stood up straight and said, "Well, you see, you said I'd pay for my insolence. So of course the comeback is I didn't bring my wallet. Ergo, I can't pay for anything, can I- Oh, let's just fight!"

When Master Eon jumped in the air and prepared to attack with his beard, the robot was faster than him as he grabbed Eon's ankle and threw him to the tree, making it fall as Eon fell to the ground and the log fell on him.

The robot approached the wizard as he pulled him out of the log, and rolled him into a ball. As he tossed the balled Eon into the air, the Arkeyan said, "He shoots!"

When Eon got hit by 2 boulders and fell into a deep hole, the Arkeyan exclaimed, "He scores! Guess I should be heading back to my pottery class."

As the machine left, we saw Master Eon stuck in the hole, speaking out loud with groans. "Seems my combat skills need a little... practice..."


A Netflix Series

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