Chapter 10: Anger Mismanagement

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Skylands | Day Time: Days Later | Thinking Spot???

3rd Person

In an open field filled with a herd of sheep, we see Hex and Skull sitting on a couch as Hugo holds a clipboard and a pen while sitting on a chair looking at Skull and Hex.

It looks like the 2 Skylanders are having a therapy session with Hugo.

However, the 2 looked away from each other as Skull said, "I'm not talking first."

"And why would you, Skull?" Hex asked as she turned to look at him. "That would actually require you to do something other than float!"

Skull turned to Hugo and said, "You see, this is what I'm talking about. This is what she does!" He turned back to Hex and added, "She talks down to me constantly, but when she summons me, I'm just supposed to appear at her beck and call?"

Hex groaned as she said to her partner when Skull looks away from Hex, "That's how it works, Skull! I'm a sorceress! You're a familiar. I summon you to do my bidding!"

"Hex! Skull! Please!" Hugo spoke, getting their attention as he then said in a calm tone. "In order for your partnership to work, you can't just bottle up your feelings. You have to express yourselves as openly as you can, despite how much you might..."

When Hugo noticed something behind Skull and Hex, he sees a sheep staring at him as 2 more stood next to him. "Uh, you might... hide your fears."

Confused, Skull asked, "Wait, we should hide our fears?"

"What?" Hugo said as he shook his head, snapping himself back at the problem at hand. "No, no! Sorry." He chuckled as he clears his throat. "No, uh, where was I? Uh, right! You need to be honest about how you really feel. Focus on the problems in front of you.

Looking again, Hugo sees a sheep's eyes glow and does a slashing gesture, meaning that he wants to kill Hugo. "Don't run away from them, Hugo."

Confused even more, Skull said, "You're Hugo. I'm Skull. That's Hex."

"What?" Hugo looks back at the 2 again as he then said, "Oh, uh, right! Don't be someone you're not. B-B-Be someone you are."

Hugo looks at the sheep again, seeing 2 of them rip a ragdoll of Hugo apart.

Hugoo then screams while throwing his clipboard and pen, "AND WHO I AM... IS SOMEONE DEATHLY AFRAID OF SHEEP!!!!!" Hugo then runs away while doing some acrobatics and flees.

When the 2 watched Hugo run away, Hex turned to Skull with a confused look as she gestured at Hugo, making Skull say, "He's the only one who takes our insurance."


A Netflix Series

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