Chapter 13: Shattered Glass (Part 2)

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Skylands | Meanwhile | Home

3rd Person

At the Skylander Home, Eruptor, Elf, and Spyro are watching one of James' favorite movies, Fast and Furious.

But, it wasn't the same as watching the movie without James.

The 3 Skylanders are still sad as Eruptor growls and angrily blasted the TV with his fire balls coming out of his fists, making Spyro exclaim, "Hey! What gives, Eruptor?!

"You want to know what gives?!" Eruptor shouted at Spyro while glaring at him, making the dragon sink into his spot on the couch. "We are just watching TV while James could be in danger!"

"Eruptor, I am upset too that we can't do anything, but we just have to wait," Elf said, calming his friend down. "I miss him too, big guy."


The 3 Skylanders got spooked when they see Pop Fizz appearing out of a different hatch.

"Pop, why is there a hatch in our living room?" Spyro asked.

Pop Fizz then answered by saying, "Oh! I have hatches everywhere in the house."

Elf sighed as she said, "Forget it. I need to check the mirror to see if it made contact with James." Elf teleport away to the workshop, leaving everyone to look at each other with worried looks.


A Netflix Series

Skylanders: Horizons

Chapter 13: Shattered Glass (Part 2: Escape From The Mirror Verse)

===========End Of Intro===========

The Mirror Verse | Meanwhile | Cloudcracker Prison

James' POV

I tried to break free from my evil friends' grips but I then see Evil Elf appear in the ceiling and said, "Time to die, hero!"

When she dives down with her blades, I closed my eyes to face death...

But I don't feel anything.

I opened my eyes as I realized that I am free. I turned to my right to see the evil versions of my friends are knocked out on the ground while Spyro's and Pop's eyes are spinning.

"What the?" I said in confusion when I got back up.


I turned around to see Tails as she brought Narti down. "Tails? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be back at the castle? And who knocked out our evil friends?"

"Well, I thought you could use some extra help." Tails said with a smirk when she lets go of Narti.

I got confused as then a silver and blue streak went past me and knocked out all of the guards and Sky Raiders in the room.

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