The Worlds Collide Surprise

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Somewhere out in space was an exotic planet filled with nothing but many wild and different types of fungi.

A sun slowly rises from the hill, bathing the entire land of fungi with its golden light. This caused one of the mushrooms, which was red with white spots, to slowly glow from the ground and then open up its cap. In doing so, the cap part of the mushroom knocked another mushroom over, which was upside-down with a small rounded stone inside to roll off the second mushroom and began the chain reaction.

The stone continued to roll down the hill until it tapped a very small mushroom. This caused the small mushroom to swing over and hit the second smaller mushroom, which caused the second mushroom to swing over and hit the third smaller mushroom.

The third mushroom swung over and tapped the second small rounded stone, making it roll briefly before tapping a line of four rounded stones, and every single one of them rolled off the cliff.

Each stone landed in its own slot of a wheel-like mushroom contraption, causing it to spin along with the second wheel next to it.

As the second wheel spun, it turned the stick over, slowly tipping over a bowl-shaped mushroom with water and pouring the water into another smaller hanging mushroom.

Due to the weight of the water, the smaller mushroom was pulled down to the ground where the tilted stone was and tipped over.

The water from the smaller mushroom flowed out through the pathway, carrying an even smaller mushroom along the way.

The mushroom flowed along with a man-made mini river briefly before it landed on a swing-like mushroom contraption, causing the whole thing to spin around.

The swing stopped in its place due to hitting a taller stick, causing the mushroom to roll into a seesaw mushroom which caused it to tip over.

The end part of the seesaw raised up and knocked the flat platform over, which caused a bunch of mushrooms to fall on top of each other like dominos.

They eventually reached a tall red mushroom and it too fell over and landed on one of the spores. This action caused the gas to shoot out of that one spore and push the mini boulder to get it to roll.

As the boulder began to roll down the hill, it tapped the cable car contraction along its path and caused the cable car to glide down to another platform due to the cable and pulley.

Once the cable car made it over to the hill, the car opened, revealing a small carriage with wheels and a mini figure at the front, which looked like a certain blue hedgehog, made of mushrooms. With the door removed, the carriage slowly rolled down the hill, letting gravity take its course.

The carriage rolled faster and faster down the hill, knocking down thin sticks in its path; which held many mini mushrooms and collected them in its bowl along the way.

The carriage continued to roll down and collect mushrooms until it reached the end of the cliff with a pebble stopped in its place, causing the carriage to flick the mushrooms and mini figures over the cliff and land in a pit full of spiky toothpicks and water.

Despite their brutal landing, the mini figures were safe momentarily...

Until that same boulder suddenly crushed them and all the mushrooms with Robotnik's logo painted on the front.

The weight of the boulder pressed the crushed mushrooms and water together, blending them into some kind of liquid substance.

The liquid then flowed through the opening at the bottom of the pit and poured into the bottom section of an upside-down bigger mushroom, which was used as some kind of drinking cup.

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