S2 Ch5: Elementary, My Dear Eruptor

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Skylands | Days Later | The Grand Library

Sonic's POV

Inside, I am seen taking a nap as Spyro, Elf, Alivia, and Shard are playing a card game while Narti, Leo, and Eruptor are eating popcorn while watching us.

As I opened my eyes, Shard was beating his opponents as he let a victory grin appear on his face. I am happy that Shard is back and has a new look, voice, and personality of his own, similar to mine in fact. We could say that he is sorta like my twin brother.

Tangel, however, is mocking Spyro as she asks, "You are not using your dragon powers to cheat, are ya?"

"What do you-"

"Or do you have mind-reading abilities?" Tangle asks causing Spyro to shout, "I don't have mind-reading powers! And that's Narti's power!"

"Relax, I'm just messing with ya," Tangle says, stealing a card from Spyro's deck with her tail without Spyro looking.

Spyro sighs as he says, "Sorry, Tangle. I didn't mean to..."

I begin to snicker about what happened next.

When Spyro notices his deck, he says, "...Waitaminute...", causing Tangle to put her cards down and say to Spyro, "Aw, man... your hand's worse than mine."

I notice the doors open to show Jet-Vac and Hugo walking to Dad's desk, which has a mountain worth of papers to be filled.

"Here you go, Hugo," JV says as I eye the eagle Skylander. "The cadets' midterm exams, are ready to be graded."

"Ah, yes, the midterms," Hugo says to Jet-Vac. "I'll get to those after my mid-morning cookie break."

The Mabu pulls out a paper bag to get his cookies but all I see coming out of it are crumbs. "Huh? Wait. Oh, that's not right." He looks into the bag and adds, "I know I had cookies in this box."

I hop off where I was napping, head over to the 2, pick up the bag, and look inside it. "Maybe you have forgotten to put some in today?" I ask with a shrug after giving the bag.

"Hm, tough break, Hugo," JV says as he places his hands behind his back. "Or should I say, 'tough cookie' break?"

Jet-Vac laughs but Hugp and I give him unamused looks as I say, "JV, if I ever learned anything about your puns, is that they are terrible."

JV clears his throat then says to Hugo as he pats a pile of papers, "Right then. Time to grade."

When he leaves, Spyro flies over to us and lets out a whistle looking at the huge stack of papers. "Man, look at that stack. That's gonna take all day."

"True. If I were using the old grading machine." Hugo says as Spyro, myself, and everyone else turn over to Hugo. Hugo went over to the side of the room with something covered in red sheets and next to a rope lever. "But I'm not! Because we got a new grading machine!"

As Hugo pulls the lever, we all stand there amazed as I whistle Shard says, "Impressive."

"Where did you get that, Hugo?" Leo asks.

"Sprocket and Tailsko made it for me," Hugo says as he pulls another lever as 2 red sheets pull up to show Tailsko and reveal Sprocket.

"Sprocket and Tailsko made it for me," Hugo says as he pulls another lever as 2 red sheets pull up to show Tailsko and reveal Sprocket

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