Questions & Answers (Answers)

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ShardMaster: Alright! The answers are in and the cast of both heroes and villains are here, ready to answer your questions! *Sees them come in* Hello, cast! Say hi to the audience.

James/Sonic: Hey, guys!

Spyro: What's up, readers!

Stealth Elf: Hi!

Eruptor: Hey!

Jet-Vac: Good day, everyone! Or is it goodnight for-

Pop: Best to ignore it! And hey everyone!

Tailsko: Hello, readers! Great to be here.

Narti: <It's an honor to be presented here.>

Alivia: Hello!

Leo: Hello!

Metal Sonic: ... *Stares*

Master Eon: Greetings!

Kaos: Hello, fools! I just can't wait to destroy you all in this very spot! *Laughs*

ShardMaster: Kaos, play nice. I already dampened you villains from your powers so you won't trash the place.

Kaossandra: He is right. This is his world, we live by his rules.

Kaos: *Groans* Fine! But when I am done, we will get back to destroying the Skylands!

The Doom Raiders: Hello!/Greetings!/Hi!

Tailsko: Loner, would this be canon for the stories?

TheLoneExplorer: Ha ha! Nope!

Dreamcatcher: Ugh! Why are we here?

Shard: Because the readers have questions for us and we gotta respect them. And since more people haven't sent any more questions, this will be incomplete and will be completed when the readers have sent other questions. So, let's get to it!

 So, let's get to it!

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Question 1

James: Well... yes and no.

Alivia: I got this, Someone. You see, shapeshifting is like a feeling. Sorta how you would change your emotions from happy to sad. You just need to tap into that shapeshifting power and change form.

James: Thanks for the explanation, Alivia. But to answer your question, yes. Until Aivia can teach me how to change shape again, I am stuck as Sonic. And it's not that bad! I am small so I will be hard to hit, I can go 10x faster than human form, and I look cute as it made Elf and my girlfriends blush! *Gives a grin*

Stealth Elf/Alivia/Narti: *Blushes*

Question 2

Spyro: We didn't.

James: I am very shocked right now that there is another Sonic game! Sounds like an open-world game! I am going to go play it! ^^

Stealth Elf: We only saw the first Sonic game from 1991 to Sonic Forces from 2017 by James when he showed them to us.

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