Q&A (Part 2)

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Hey guys! ShardMaster here and as you read the title, I am having a Q&A for those who had finished Season 2.

I know it feels a bit off since I am not doing Belly Of The Beast. Don't worry, I am doing the episode but it goes a bit differently. Just... not eaten by a Fire Viper.

Anyways, as we all know, Sonic had re-entered Earth and then had a target on his back by the government, considering him an alien invader. After falling into a pool, Sonic made a new ally! Y/N and S/N!

Anyway, I do however have rules.

1: Don't ask too much for Season 2 Part 2. I want to plan them out.

2: Only 5 questions per person.

3: Just like last time, the cast will read your questions and answer them for you.

(Place your questions here please)

The answers will be revealed on December 16th. So be sure to answer them quickly before myself and the cast answers them.

One last thing. If you notice Y/N's and S/N's clothing vote message? Go ahead and skip to the next page after this.

With the words of Mr. Beast, "GOOD LUCK, NERDS!" *Throws microphone*

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