Chapter 4: My Way Or The Sky Way

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Skylands | Days Later | Academy Library

Jim's POV

It has been days since the attack on the Academy by Kaos as me, Jet-Vac, Stealth Elf, Spyro, Eruptor and Pop Fizz payed attention to Master Eon's mission briefing.

I was interrupted by Eon when I was working on my new suit. He spooked me earlier when he have his energy head in front of me, it made me fall off of my chair.

I listened to Eon while I sit next to Stealth Elf, who is sitting on a railing as the wizard walked up to a blue and floating orb said, "I've gathered you all for a mission of utmost importance, so vital that the future of the academy relics on nothing shot of absolute success."

"I hope it's Arkeyan robots. I hate those things." Eruptor stepped forward as I remembered that the Arkeyans are some sort off ancient giant robot enemies of the Skylanders.

I always wanna get my hands on one to see how they work or reprogram one.

"Nah, Drow Elves." Spyro said as the two begin to bicker which enemy is the mission.

I rolled my eyes as I dozed off when I closed them, remembering a memory of my past.

4 Years Ago...

I watched Eon opened the door in front of me to my new home as I rubbed my left arm. I grew nervous since these people saved me and I am not even sure if I can trust them... Even the elf. But I don't know why I can't stop thinking about her.

"I don't what to be a bother to you all. I should go..." I said as I started to walk away but the Elf teleported in front of me and the dragon flew to me.

"Oh no, your not!" The dragon said.

"You were attacked by chompies and you suffered a bad fall." The elf said, trying to get me to come to my senses. "You need rest."

I can't stop blushing by her since she is close to me. "I-I mean... I can manage... I have been alone for so long, I-"

"Can't trust anyone."

I turned to Eon as he have a soft smile behind his beard.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "James, right? I know you don't trust us, but we are willing to help you. So please, give us a chance."

I looked at him then turned to the lava monster, elf and dragon. I still think this is some kind of twisted dream and I wanted to wake up... But I feel like I don't. I feel... safer with them. Like they are old friends of mine.

I turned to Eon and said with a sigh, "Ok..."

Eon smiled as he put a hand on my back and brings me inside with the others joining us.

When we entered, I was amazed by the home as I looked around in awe. I never seen a nice home for 3 years since I ran from my last foster home.

"So, James, if you like, I would like to learn more about yourself." Eon asked as he sat down on the couch as the elf is curious about me, the dragon landed next to me and the lava monster glared at me.

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