Chapter 7: Dream Girls

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Skylands | Days later | Training Platforms

3rd Person

At the obstacle course, the Skylander Team and James are in the training course while Stealth Elf is in first place as the human is trying his best to catch up.

Stealth Elf placed her hand on the floor when she jumped and dodges some shurikens by being between them, causing the ninja to land on a platform.

Master Eon said with Hex, Flashwing, Chill, and a floating head cadet while she is asleep with marker eyes drawn over her eyelids. "Take notes, students. See how Stealth Elf Strikes with precision? And her reflexes, unparalleled."

He and the students saw Stealth Elf chop a wooden plank in half as she kicked another one.

Master Eon then turned his attention to James as he does a homing attack at a dummy as he then electrocuted a energy ball that was coming at him. "And see how James' new abilities gave him quick thinking and powerful reflex as Elf."

James focused while he then does a stomp on a dummy and he then does a spin dash to another obstacle.

Back with Stealth Elf, she grabbed the chain that a pillar was swinging a spiked wrecking ball, causing her to land on the pillar, jump up and dive to the chain, grabs the chain again, and safely landed while doing a spin in the air.

James landed on the pillar as he took notice of the others who are behind.

Jet-Vac landed on a popup dummy as did Pop Fizz, Spyro loop dodges around a moving trap, and Eruptor grunted while climbing up to the top. He then pulled his stomach back in fear from the blade cutting it.

Stealth Elf saw a brick wall appear in front of her and she then jumped over it while James does 2 homing attacks on a dummy as he then ricochet off the second dummy, causing him to be launched into the air and land over it with a hero landing as he smiled behind his mask.

When James dashed forward with his legs turned into an infinity, Jet-Vac started to climb over a wall, but Pop climbed over the air Skylander as he climbed over the wall too.

"Um, you guys are doing good, too," Eon said as he stroke his beard.

James and Elf jumps over a rock, then onto a pillar with spinning blades, and arrived at the training course, but Elf pulled down the lever as confetti exploded.

The human then pulled down the lever and he made his mask vanish by magic.

"Huh, I thought there will be more to it than that." Elf said as she turned to James and said with a smirk, "And I thought you weren't holding back."

"I wasn't," James said as he popped his shoulder. "I am still getting the use of my powers."

"Hey, you will get there. I know it." Stealth Elf said as she showed a fist, allowing the human to fist bump her, and so, he did.

"Congratulations, Stealth Elf." Master Eon said while bowing to the ninja. "You've set a new record."

"Way to go, Elfy," Eruptor said as he then got slammed by a wall when it appears while Miles arrived as he then came in 3rd.

James inhaled while hissing at the site while Myles did too.

"Thanks." Elf said to Eruptor while taking her mask off of her mouth. "But never let your guard down in the middle of training, E."

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