Season 1 Epilogue

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Earth | Day | The Pentagon

In the Pentagon at Washington, we see 8 humans enter a meeting room with a male human is already in the room.

That human is a military commander and vice-chairman named Commander Walters. He is an older gentleman with clean-cut white hair. He was also wearing a military suit with many metals all over it, showing off years of military experience under his belt.

The others who are with him from around the table were high officers from each military department; Navy, Air Force, Army, Homeland Security, and many more. As the officers were settling into their seats, Commander Walters cleared his throat.

"4 hours ago," Walters began. "An energy surge knocked out power across the entire state of our country. What do we know?"

"Well, our first instinct was it was an EMP," The Navy Chief said. "But electromagnetic pulses don't have that kind of power."

"NASA has ruled out meteor strikes or solar flares," The Air Force chief spoke.

"The Department of Energy says it's not a power plant malfunction," The female Homeland Security Secretary added.

"Well, sounds like we're really good at figuring out what it wasn't," Commander Walters said sarcastically with a sarcastic smile.

"This could be a prelude to a larger attack," the Army Chief theorized. "I'm suggesting we scramble the Fifth and Sixth Regiment."

"That may not be necessary." A female agent said as she wears a suit and said, "I have discovered something."

"What is it?" Commander Walters asked.

The female agent walked forward and showed a file of the Cyber Space portal as it labled on the file, 'Operation: Black Bird.' The woman then said, "Do you remember this?"

The commander looked at the file and said, "This file said that there was reports of a kid that snuck in and shattered a powerful crystal."

"Yes, but that structure here..." She points at the picture of the portal. "We discovered there is more here on Earth. And it released a powerful shockwave."

"You are saying it's some kind of ancient weapon that knocked out the state's power as an attack?" The Navy Chief asked, making the agent shake her head and say, "No. This could be something else. The last person that was in the cave 4 years ago was the kid and a general. We even got reports from the general's agents that they tried to kill the boy after we interrogated them."

"General Scroft! I should have known that son of a bitch would kill anyone who knows our secret projects." The Commander said.

"That's not all." The agent said. "One of the corupt agents said that he saw the child get digitized and sucked into the machine."

"Like a portal?" The female Homeland Security Secretary asked.

"Yes, but we need someone to understand the problem." The agent said,

"You are right, Agent Rowen." Walters said. "This needs a much more sophisticated mind. Someone who understands ancient and new technology."

"You wanna send in a lab rat?" Army Chief inquired.

"Not just any lab rat. A lab rat with teeth!" Commander Walters responded.

The Navy Chief's eyes widened in realization as he then said, "You're not suggesting who I think you're suggesting?"

Commander Walters knew he was about to approach a very controversial subject, but he decided to proceed anyway.

"I know, he's a little weird..."

"Weird!?" The Air Force Chief exclaimed. "He's a psychological tire fire!"

"But he's also brilliant," Commander Walters pointed out. "Five Ph.D.'s, IQ off the charts and his... drone tech is-is-is-is revolutionary!"

The Army Chief gave him his skeptical expression. "You sure he could handle this?"

"He has the perfect Operations record," The commander responded. "Remember the coup in Pakistan?"

The Army Chief shook his head and said, "No."

"Or the uprising in Azerbaijanistan?"

"That's not even a country!" The Air Force Chief interjected.

"Exactly!" Commander Walters exclaimed. "And you can thank HIM for that!"

The Navy Chief sighed exasperatedly. "I can't believe you're bringing that freak into this!"

"Neither could I." Commander Walters responded with a sigh. "But... we have no choice." He turned to the agent and said, "Call him."

Agent Rowen nodded as she walks out of the meeting room and pressed a button on her phone, showing the symbol of the person she is calling.

Agent Rowen nodded as she walks out of the meeting room and pressed a button on her phone, showing the symbol of the person she is calling

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