Chapter 7

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My first day at school was a really good day. I had lessons with Ashton, Michael and Calum and one on my own. I walked home with Michael and left him to enter my house. I then remembered the argument me and mum had last night and just walked up into my room and threw my bag down and changed into comfortable clothing.

"Gemma?" My mum called.
"What?" I mumbled.
"Come down!"

I made my way downstairs to smell food cooking in the oven. Finally!

"What?" I asked standing in the doorway with my arms folded.
"So how was school?" She asked handing me 3 plates.
"Fine." I answered, placing them on the table.

"Make any new friends?" She asked me.

"You know I've not forgotten about last night Mum." I spoke.
"I know and I'm sorry," She started.
"I was just worried that you wasn't going to make any new friends and you'd hate me for moving us all the way to Australia-" she began to explain.

"Mum it's fine," I said hugging her. "I don't hate you. I like it here." I told her.
"You do?" She asked surprised.
"Yeah, it's like a fresh start." I said.

"I was wondering, maybe you could talk to Jacob, tell him it's not that bad here." Mum said as she took the pizza from the oven.
"I'll try." I said as I made my way upstairs. I knocked on Jacobs door and walked in.

"Hey." I smiled.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"Well dinner will be ready soon." I said sitting down on his bed.
"Is that everything?" He asked.
"No. I need to ask you a question." I told him.

"Do you like it here?" I asked.
"Nope. Not at all." He answered straight away. "Why?"

He sat up from his DS. "Because I liked it better at home. I had all my friends at school. I know nobody here." He explained.
"Neither do I." I told him.

"Yeah but you have that boy from across the road to be friends with." Jacob said.

"I promise, after a few months, you'll love it here." I said before leaving.

We had our pizza for dinner and I settled back up in my room. I was browsing through Twitter when I got a text.

'Hey wanna come over? X'
It was from Michael.

'It's like 10? X'
I answered.

'Just come over :)'

I decided to throw on a pair of boots and see what he wanted. I creeped down stairs and ran across to see he was already stood outside his front door.

"You look freezing." He said as I approached him.
"Well you did bring me out from my warm bed." I laughed as he took off his jumper and wrapped it around me.
"Thank you," I smiled. "So what do you want?" I asked.
"We should go on an adventure!" He grinned at me.

"Are you crazy?" I laughed.

"It'll be fun. We can go to the park, nobody will be there. We can even go to the beach!" He said excitedly.
"In the pitch black?" I asked still laughing. "Come on Gemma. I've always wanted to go on a midnight adventure. I know deep down you want to." He said raising an eyebrow.

"Fine lets go." I squealed as we headed for the beach.

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