Chapter 13

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He brushed the hair behind my ear. He leaned in and before I knew it, he pressed his lips against mine. I was surprised at first but then I started to kiss him back. Our lips moved in sync with each other and it felt perfect. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. The kiss became more passionate and seemed to go on forever. He pulled away smiling as I bit my lip.

"Gemma, I really like you-" he started.
"I like you too Michael!" I admitted I wasn't scared anymore.
"I was kind of wondering," he said. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"
He asked putting me down.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend!" I grinned as I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him again.

We walked home hand in hand until we had to go our separate ways. I kissed him goodbye and walked in.
"You have some explaining to do." My mum smiled.
"What?" I asked dumping my wet bikini on the radiator to dry.

"I saw that kiss missy!" She said, smiling wider. "Okay fine," I started. "Michael took me out for a day at the beach today and asked me to be his girlfriend!" I said squealing towards the end. "Finally!" Mum said hugging me.

"What do you mean finally?" I asked pulling away. 
"Well me and Karen where talking about how long it would be before you finally got together." She said sorting out her skirt. "Mum!" I moaned running back upstairs.


I told my mum about everything and went to ring Gemma.
"Hey!" She answered.
"Hi, I have something to ask." I started. "What is it?" She asked nervously. "Don't be worried, I was just asking if you wanted to come to a party Friday night." I asked. "On bonfire night?" She questioned. "Yeah, if you're interested." I said. "I'd love to!" She finally answered. "Okay great," I said. We spoke for a while before hanging up ready for school the next day.


I told my mum all about my day but left out the part about the kiss. I know she saw my peck him on the lips, but that was no big deal. That kiss was my first kiss. I didn't tell Michael because I was too embarrassed. He's probably kisses a few girls before, but I've never kissed a guy before. It was a new and crazy experience.

I decided to get ready to go to bed. I switched on my laptop and scrolled through Twitter first before closing the lid, and falling asleep.

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