Chapter 22

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There's nothing more I hate than seeing Gemma upset. It was New Years Eve and she was spending the afternoon over with me and my family, so they could get to know her a little before I leave. "So, will you be in England for the full six months?" She asked. "Yeah, that's where the tour is." I say sadly. "Oh." She breathed. I could tell she was trying to hold back her tears when she could just let them out.

I crawled over to her and held her in my arms as she buried her face in my chest. "I'll miss you so much!" She cried. "I'll miss you too!" I say holding her. "But you have Amy, and her friends. Your mum, Jacob." I comfort her. "But their not you." She sighs. She lifts her head and I wipe away her tears with my thumb. "I promise you, everything will be fine." I cup her face. "I hope so." She smiled weekly.

I pull her into a tight hug as she wraps her arms around me. "So are you still ok for Calums party tomorrow?" I ask brightening up the conversation. "Yeah I'm good." She sniffles. "Im allowed." She added. "I'll come by yours about half 5?" I say. "That's fine." I smile and she smiles back. "I should probably get going." She says after a short while."I'll see you out." I say.

I watch her across the road before entering back into my own house.


I rush upstairs and try to disguise the fact I've been crying but give up half way through and take a long shower instead. I blow dry my hair and chafe into my pyjamas. "Hey." I smile walking downstairs. "Hi sweetheart." Mum smiles. "Where's Jacob?" I ask. "He's over at Dans, his friend from school." She explains. "So where have you been?" She asked. "I just went over to Michaels," I start. "You know, since he's, erm..going-" I can't even finish my sentence before I burst out crying.

"Oh Gemma!" My mum says hugging me. "You'll be alright." She rubs my back. "I'll just miss him." I say wiping away the tears. "I know, it'll be heard at first, but you've got to remember, it's inky six months." She smiles. "I feel horrible. " I say. I went over to celebrate New Year's Eve with Michael and his family and ended up crying in front of him." I say. "They'll understand." Mum says. "And so will Michael. It'll be hard for him too." She adds.

"How about you go and have a rest, you don't want to spend the new year all upset do you?" Mum says. I nod and walk up to my room, settling into the warmth of my bed. She's right. I don't want to spend my new year crying. And it is only 6 months, not a lifetime!

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