Chapter 9

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We walked into school and sat at our table in the common room. There was only me, Michael and Luke.

"So how do you like Sydney?" Luke asked.
"It's okay I guess. It's different from my old home." I say sipping at my coffee.
"You'll get used to it." Luke said, eating his chips.

The day flew by by and I had most of the day's lessons with Michael.
"So what do you want to do?" Michael asked. "Well I really need to go shopping if you want to come?" I said nicely while smiling.

"Shopping? Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "Please." I begged.
"Okay fine I'll come." He said after a while.

We went to our own homes and changed before meeting to go shopping at the local shopping centre.

"So what are you going to buy?" Michael asked as we walked through the park.
"Well I need clothes." I said. "Oh and some shoes." I added.
"You sure you're going to have enough money?" Michael laughed.
"Yes I'm sure." I nodded. We entered the shopping centre and browsed around a few stores.

I managed to buy a pair of black converse and a few tshirt after searching for hours, but that was it
"Are you done yet?" Michael moaned.
"No I can't find anything." I spoke.
"I'll help, okay?" He asked.
"That's what you're supposed to be doing." I sighed.

I left the mall with a pair of converse, a few tshirts, a pair of black jeans and a bit of makeup.
"I'm never going shopping with you again." Michael said as we both left.
"Why?" You asked.
"Because, you take the piss!" He laughed.
"Are you kidding me? I couldn't find anything I wanted!"  I laughed with him.
"Any excuse." He smirked.

"What time is it?" I asked.
"6." He said locking his phone.
"Seriously?" I asked surprised. "We where that long?" I add.
"You where that long."


We headed for our homes and I said bye to Gemma.
"Where have you been?" Mum asked as I sat down for dinner.
"I went out with Gemma." I replied picking up my knife and fork.
"So are you still going to band practise?" Mum asked.

"Yeah why?"
She sipped her coffee. "I didn't know if you where meeting Gemma or not." She spoke.

"Mum I'm not obsessed with her. I'm not going to ask her everywhere I go." I said, slightly annoyed.
"I was just saying-" she started. "Yeah well don't. You don't know everything." I ditched my food and headed for Ashton's house.

I knocked on the door and Calum answered, allowing me in.
"You okay? You look angry." Ashton asked as I sat down.
"I'm fine, have any food?" I asked.
"Haven't you eaten?" Luke asked me as Calum passed me a pizza box.

"A bit, I had a row with my mum." I explained eating the left over pizza.
"About what?" Calum laughed.
"Gemma." I spoke finishing the slice of pizza.

We finished the conversation, and the pizza. We practised a few songs in Ashton's garage before leaving for home.

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