Chapter 43

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A/N The rest of the story is just going to be in Michaels POV unless I say otherwise :P

It's been a few weeks since Gemma passed. Even though I still deeply missed her, I got better as the days went passed. Since it was officially summer, I didn't want to waste it stuck indoors. I went out with the boys, Chloe and Caspar a few times, Caspar seems a nice guy too.

It was Gemma's birthday coming up in a few weeks too, she was one of the younger ones, born in July. I never got to worn a birthday with her. My birthday had been and gone back in November. Her mum and brother Jacob and flown back to England to be with the rest of the family, where they where holding the funeral.

I was given the choice to fly back with them, but I chose not to. I didn't want to attend the funeral. Instead, we where having a memorial at the beach. We'd invite Amy and Katie along too.

We all arrived at the beach, all with about 10-15 balloons in our hands. The plan was to attach little notes for Gemma and set them off into the air. "Ready?" Ashton asked. We all nodded. "3..2..1!"

Just under 100 balloons filled the sky above the sunset. I could help but capture a picture of the beautiful moment. A way to remember. I looked over to see one balled still left. I walked over and wrote a note.

'I'll always love you Gemma<3 Michael x'

I attached the note to the balloon and watched it fly up into the sky. "Goodbye." I whispered to myself.

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