Chapter 17

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I hadn't even told her about the band and now we're where going in a tour around England. I was thinking about telling her everything and asking her to join me but then I remembered her past. I called her and asked her to meet me at the park. I saw her walk through the gates and I decided to tell her everything.

"Hey!" She smiled. "Hi." I replied. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Just sit down." I said taking her to a nearby bench. "What's wrong?" She questioned. "Just listen." I started. "So me, Luke, Calum and Ashton are in this band kind of thing." "Really?" She interrupted. "Shh." I said placing my finger on her lip. "And we have this manager thing and he's managed to get us a tour thing."


You didn't understand where he was going with this. Surely it was a good thing. "I was going to surprise you by telling you about the band and take you with me. But then I found out it was in England." He started. "So when do you leave for this tour?" I asked. "2nd of January." He said. "Until when?" I chocked out. "Sometime in July." He told me.

"What!? You're going to be gone for 6 months!" I said standing up. "I know, I'm still deciding whether to go or not." He said. "Michael this isn't something to think about!" I said. "It's not?" He asked. "No, you need to go on this tour." I told him. "You want me to go?" He asked. "Yes!" I said with tears forming in my eyes. "This is an sang opportunity!"

He stood up and grabbed my hands. "Are you sure? What about you?" He asked. "Forget about me." I said wiping my eyes with the sleeves of the hoodie I was wearing. "This is more important." I smiled. "I love you!" He said throwing his arms around me. I wrapped my self around him as he embraced me. "I love you too." I whispered. "I have to head back to Ashton's if that okay?" He asked pulling away. "Yeah go I'll see you later." I smiled. He kissed me before leaving for Ashton's.

I walked out the park and headed home. I shut the door and raced upstairs slamming my bedroom door shut and burst into tears. I couldn't believe he was leaving me for 6 months. I want him to go, I really do. But at the same time I want him to stay. I don't know how I'm going to cope by myself. But the good thing is that it's only the beginning of November and he wasn't leaving until the new year.

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