Interrupted (P8)

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A/n - when I was admitted to the psych ward I couldn't have guests but let's pretend that isn't a thing lol

Info - being manipulated, throwing things, anger, mentions of cheating, mentions of brain washing, running away with kids, break down, manic episode, PTSD, involuntarily admitted to psych ward, hating oneself, calling someone a demon, mention of still born, blaming self for still born, mention of divorce, hidden pregnancy

"Saved me?" He asked warily.

"Now, you can be the you that you were always meant to be!"

"You're not making sense lovely girl," he said, and I could tell he was straining to remain calm.

"Let me explain," I said excitedly. I could finally tell him what he needed to know.

"Fuck you're beautiful, and I love your grey hair, I'm going to miss you so much," I whispered as I took him fully in for the first time in months.

"Miss me? What the hell!"

"It'll be okay. You'll be happy," I said gently.

"Im happy now, other than the fact that my wife is making no sense," he said with an awkward laugh.

"See, that's just what I've convinced you of, I've manipulated you into thinking you're happy. In real life, I've basically held you hostage. I can't believe it took me not saving Lavender to see what I've done."

"Lavender?" Timothée questioned with a harsh tone. "She was not your fault. I thought you discussed this in therapy. You said you were doing good!"

"I stopped a long time ago, she didn't get it, only Nikki understands," I sighed.

"Nikki, you know Nikki?" He demanded.

"She's an angel, our saving grace!"

"An angel? Did you want a divorce or something and couldn't admit it to my face?" He asked sadly.

"No, of course not, I love you," I said earnestly. "I love you so much that I'd do anything for you. That's why this needed to happen. I need you to be happy more than anything on earth."

"You still aren't making sense," he said and looked extremely concerned but soon he'd see.

"Let me tell the whole story, no interrupting," I said earnestly.

"O-okay," he nodded and for once he didn't look like he one hundred percent trusted me. This was a good start!

"I stopped going to therapy because she just kept saying it wasn't my fault. When I saw the way you cried and blamed yourself, I knew I'd broken something insanely precious, you'd never done that before. The night you took me out on the town, I messaged Nikki, and she is the only one I've met that gets it-"

"Who is Nikki to you?" He asked slowly.

"My best friend! But her last name isn't Heath, it's Trepasso," I told him.

"TREPASSO!" He snarled and threw his phone. I was shocked.

"You trusted a member of your dad's fucked up new family? Baby, they're all greedy assholes with a talent for lying and manipulation, you know this!"

"Not Nikki, she gets it. She told me I was right, that all the comments on the internet were right. I'd baby trapped you, and did it time and time again. I took you in your prime. I didn't even know I did it, I don't know how I made you fall so helplessly in love with me. I'm not sure how I convinced you to start a family. I'm just so evil, and I can't even control it. Nikki and I hatched a plan."

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