how you mwt Bruce

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My friend wanted to remake the Bruce one's so here's how it went.


     Bruce: You always loved science. Five years after you graduated high-school, S.H.I.E.L.D, who had been monitoring your exceptional progression in the field of alien astronomy, offered you a job, which you gladly took. That's when you met him.

"Here we are," Agent Coulson said, gesturing to a set of white lab doors. You waited, uncertain if you should proceed or let him open the doors. The agent noticed your caution, "Go on, Dr. l/n. Your partner can't wait to meet you."

You lit up like a kid on Christmas. You never had a partner before! In high school, you didn't have many friends besides the plants you would do experiments on, "Really!?" You asked, bursting through the doors. Unfortunately, those opening doors didn't go to the side gracefully, but hit a man in the head. He staggered backwards in shock; his hand sailing to his forehead upon contact. He tripped over himself and tumbled to the floor.

You stopped in your tracks, eyes widening. You opened your mouth to apologize, but nothing came out. You recognized this man. It was Bruce Banner: your celebrity crush.

"Ow," Banner rubbed his head. Red blood bled from a small cut. He looked up at you, "That really hurt."

You gulped, "I-I'm sorry, Dr, uh, Bruce, I-I mean Dr. Banner. I-I'm l/n Dr. f/n..." your own words sunk in as Coulson helped Bruce up, and you yelped, "I-I mean my name is Dr. f/n l/n." You blush and look down at your shoes, "...About the door..."

"No, don't apologize," Dr. Banner said, smiling at you, "That door helped me see the good parts of life."

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